The current education system is geared around 2 of the 9 distinct intelligences. The result can often be disengaged and demotivated young people who struggle to find their direction or understand their own personal skills and strengths. The CECA Scotland endorsed the What-IF programme which helps these young people by addressing the key antecedent behaviours, often driven by the subconscious mind, that are routinely displayed not by choice but through habit.
The What-IF programme provides the knowledge and skills to recognise and unlock the pre-programmed ideas, allowing better personal reflection and self-awareness, so that through positivity and engagement, the young people can learn the skills of effective listening & confident communication to achieve the results they truly want and to be come the best version of themselves.
Working with DYW Borders, the contractor introduced the What-IF programme to the first cohort of four neuro-diverse S4 pupils from a local High School: none of whom have attended a full day of school in the past year, one who is only allowed in school for 2 hours twice a week.
The programme was tailored to suit the specific needs of all the individuals participating and all four pupils attended every day of the intensive one-week programme prior to entering into continuous mentoring, with further work experience/placement on site on offer. All four received certificates on completion (the first recognition they have received since early primary school years) and all 4 now know that neurodiversity is a superpower that the construction industry needs to harness. DYW and the school have already booked the next cohort (S3 girls).
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