The scrubber was removed during the decontamination and demolition phase. It has been categorised as low level waste, and as a result will be taken to the LLWR. In line with the approved best available techniques (BAT) the method for disposal was to manually size-reduce the scrubber into smaller pieces and place it in a half-height ISO – playing a giant game of radiological Tetris.
However, after a site walkaround, the team decided to challenge the BAT. They wanted to mitigate double handling the waste, while also improving the overall safety of the task through reduced exposure to operatives. The team took a Step Back and contacted PacTec to procure a bespoke bag – eliminating the main safety hazards whilst decreasing the time and cost.
The team have procured a bespoke bag for the scrubber through PacTec and have raised a Value+ idea to capture a Total Cost Saving of £26,967 and a Total CO2 emission saving of 4.6 ton CO2.
The main carbon savings are from the reduced number of operatives needed for the works, and the associated reduction in transport and accommodation requirements. A reduction in active waste sent for disposal, including a 20ft ISO metal container, the filter from MFU portable air scrubber as well as wipes, gloves, and overshoes.
There will also be a reduction in energy consumption as the size reduction works will no longer be required, such works would have required power for tools, lighting, and the MFU portable air scrubber for approximately 30 days.
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