Job Crafting for the Neurodiverse

Working with thd SEND Neurodiversity Employer Network, The Courtyard (SEND school) and Islington council, this contractor offered 2
x 5 month work experience placements for ex-students of The Courtyard, who had autism.

These work experience placements were reduced hours, with each person being given projects to complete during the placement. Placement 1 completed a history project on Broadgate and Placement 2 completed various graphic design projects, including producing a history brochure with Placement 1.

These placements were specifically crafted to suit the skill set of the person and any needs that they had. E.g. Placement 2 had an interest in history and social anxiety that meant working with others was difficult, so the task set was a research project involving researching online and in archives – embedded within this were team activities designed to increase their confidence. Placements were also on reduced hours and designed to be flexible if anything needed to change. This is a different approach to working with people with autism and SEND schools – producing work placements that are specifically job crafted allows those people to thrive at work, rather than forcing them to fit within
a role that does not suit them.

By job crafting for neurodiverse people, they are able to provide them with the opportunity to thrive at work and make the most of their specific skills. This makes the industry much more accessible.

Footer Reference

Information provided by Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd

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