Aphex is not just a planning tool, it enables the teams to truly collaborate and see the larger picture from the Package Managers to the Supervisors on site.
The team at Battersea have been utilising the system to allow the multi-discipline teams to co-ordinate their works during the fit-out phase and enable Supervisors to have a visual tool to co-ordinate their planned daily co-ordination meetings using DataScope. Story sequence boards can be printed daily, weekly or monthly as required to aid the teams on site co-ordination and understanding their own and of others works.
The two systems allow the teams to plan from the main programme and ensure they are working together in a coordinated manner, and that the site/ office divide so commonly found on large sites becomes a thing of the past. Individuals plan and take ownership of their works based on the master programme import allowing them to add the finer detail that is so often missing.
Aphex gives you a daily activity count and breaks down the works into people’s areas giving visual mark ups as to who is working where and when. This aids the Supervisors’ site awareness and daily DABS meetings.
Benefits include:
- Handover areas are automatically highlighted from trade to trade (user to user).
- Key risk activities can be highlighted to ensure they are monitored for safety and compliance.
- Delays are tracked to automatically identify trends or risk areas and teams that may require assistance.
- Clashes between trades are clearly identified prior to going on site to work, ensuring that teams co-ordinate and agree on priorities and sequence, minimising delay and risk to both people and the project.
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