CASE STUDY: Robertson – Mandatory Drugs and Alcohol Testing

The construction sector has encountered many challenges in relation to recreational drug use, which has become more prevalent since the pandemic and is impacting health and wellbeing across wider society.

Robertson Group have developed a video which highlights what they have done to improve Drugs and Alcohol testing on their sites and the support they need to tackle this major concerning issue which impacts the whole industry.

Any member of the team struggling with a drug or alcohol problem is encouraged to speak with their line manager so that they can assist them through professional counseling and rehabilitation. With support from their healthcare partners and their own GP, they clearly communicated with the teams and supply chain that mandatory drugs and alcohol testing at induction was being introduced.

So far they have conducted 15,256 tests at induction, with 1.9% being positive.

Since testing was introduced they have noticed a shift in attitudes and behaviors with employees and supply chains saying they feel much safer at work.

Knowing that everyone on site was tested at induction, we are trying to eradicate the significant risk of impairment, and at the same time aiming to enhance the health and wellbeing of our wider society.

To find out more, watch the video below

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Information provided by Robertson

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