
A list of entries tagged with Air Pollution

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Living Wall on a Building Redevelopment

Published 7 November 2017 | Written by Darren Pope
CategoriesMaintenance of hoarding and fences

To improve and enhance the standard and sustainability of our immediate environment on the LSE CBR project, a living wall was installed to the external face of the welfare cabins facing the LSE library and seating area of the John Watkins Plaza. This was installed by fixing timber battens into the cabins and then hanging the planter boxes with plants…

Loading Design Guidance

Published 26 September 2017 | Written by Michael Barratt MBE
CategoriesCycle safety Delivery timings Pedestrian safety

In 2014-15, HGVs were involved in 25% of pedestrian fatalities and 60% of cyclist fatalities. The long term impacts from Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM10), of which a large proportion comes from HGVs, are the cause for over 9,000 deaths each year in London. Negative impacts can often occur when loading facilities are either poorly designed or can…

Strategic HGV Holding Areas

Published 18 September 2017 | Written by Michael Barratt MBE
CategoriesDelivery timings Pedestrian safety

HGVs are a major contributor of pollution displaced on all road networks. The long term impacts, especially from Nitrogen Dioxide and Particulate Matter are the cause for over 60,000 deaths each year in the UK. In London, during 2014/15 HGVs were involved in 25% & 60% of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities respectively, therefore HGVs are also a key focus for…

Early Doors Agreement

Published 29 August 2017 | Written by Michael Barratt MBE
CategoriesCycle safety Delivery timings Pedestrian safety

Asking HGV drivers to arrive at site exactly at 8am to begin loading/unloading is challenging especially on heavily congested roads. Not only does this cause driver stress but can result in unwanted behaviours. Often drivers’ set off and arrive early to avoid peak traffic. HGVs are frequently observed being parked outside site gates, on residential or main roads, on footways…

Hybrid Concrete Truck Emission Reductions

Published 17 August 2017 | Written by CWCL Sustainability Team
CategoriesEnergy efficient plant and equipment

It is important to recognise that a site’s environmental impact goes well beyond the site boundary. A significant environmental impact of construction is in the production of the materials used, but it is also important to consider the impact of their transportation at both a local and wider level. Although concrete batching plants are often in reasonably close proximity to…

Construction Logistics Plan

Published 26 June 2017 | Written by Jack Endean

A Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) is an important tool for planners, developers and those working in the construction industry. Having  a CLP will help to reduce the impact construction traffic has on local communities in relation to congestion, pollution and noise. A good plan will not only benefit the environment but also reduce costs as this promotes efficient working practices…

Using Low Emission Non Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM)

Published 9 December 2016 | Written by Kenneth Hills
CategoriesEnergy efficient plant and equipment

Description and Overview CSJV are achieving best practice by using low emission rating machines on site. The site had over 30 Non Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) at the latter end of 2013 due to an extensive programme of works which included the reinstatement of Eastbourne Terrace, excavation of the box and utilities works. Because of this programme, new plant were…

Plant and Machinery Database

Published 4 November 2016 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesConserve of energy Energy efficient plant and equipment

Using modern and innovative equipment can improve sustainable procurement. It is therefore important to be aware what alternative working methods of equipment could be most effectively used for the job. This doesn’t just mean productivity, but also other benefits such as environmental impact, health, safety and cost saving. The example below shows how one site achieved this: The contractor has…

Improving Air Quality with an Air Scrubber

Published 22 July 2016 | Written by James Low

As part of the dust management strategy by the Como team undertaking a Cat B fit-out of a central London commercial office space, an air scrubber was used to remove dust and unwelcome particulate matter on site. The air scrubber is positioned in the middle of an enclosed area without any ducting attached. The air is then drawn through its…

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered CCTV Towers

Published 30 June 2016 | Written by James Low
CategoriesConserve of energy Green/renewable energy

Mace have installed hydrogen fuel cell powered CCTV Smart Towers on one of our sites. The Smart Towers have allowed us to eliminate impact on air pollution, carbon and noise compared to the traditional diesel powered plant. The omission of diesel means that we’re also able to relocate and move the CCTV across the site without impacting on the protection…

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme