Sprinkler System

Published 7 December 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCoaching for unsafe actions Controls and training to prevent exposure Health risk assessments and monitoring
Temperatures inside this project were hitting over 50C during the hotter months, making it difficult for the workforce to continue working throughout the peak of the day. Therefore they implemented a sprinkler system which helped reduce temperatures inside so the workforce were able to work more safely. With the system implemented it has reduced internal temperatures by 12C, making it...

Enterprise Day for Small Local Businesses

Published 7 December 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCommunity engagement Documented activities and targets for community engagement Engage with community facilities Tracking and recording of local contribution achieved
This contractor hosted a health and wellbeing event for colleagues at the site inviting local businesses and practitioners to sell their goods and services. The event was attended by a variety of traders and staff at the site were also able to take advantage of a local reflexologist and masseuse. The idea behind then event was to raise economic aspirations...

Carbon Footprint through Emails

Published 7 December 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Conserve of energy Monitoring and recording of resource usage
An initiative was put in place to raise awareness around the carbon footprint within emails and how they can impact the companies overall figure. This initiative details where emails are stored, the best ways to deal with emails and how to respond to an email if necessary without contributing further to any carbon footprint. There is not a lot of...

Instagrid One Max Power Station

Published 4 December 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Conserve of energy Noise
This contractor is using a battery powered power station that allows both 110v and 240v power to be supplied remotely, replacing traditional petrol powered generators. The unit is environmentally beneficial as it produces less carbon emissions than a petrol generator and negates any issues with transport of fuel or storage of fuel. The unit produces less than 10dB noise pollution...

EcoNet Power Management System

Published 4 December 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesConserve of energy Energy efficient plant and equipment
EcoNet is a cloud based energy and power management system which controls energy demand between the welfare facilities and the site generator. Using sensors throughout the cabins, the wireless system monitors energy demand in real-time and a receiver sits inside each cabin to isolate circuits and turn off equipment as and when required. By controlling and reducing the baseline energy...

Solar Powered Compound

Published 3 December 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Conserve of energy Energy efficient plant and equipment Green/renewable energy
The contractor implemented a solar powered compound with supplier which has led to a carbon reduction of 1tCO2e per week throughout the trial. This was considered so successful that they have maintained the use post-trial and will be implementing solar power where possible in the future in combination with other energy sources such as Hydrogen. The contractor helped to design...

Free Replacement Bus Service

Published 6 November 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCommunity engagement Identify potential impacted communities Planning of traffic routes
Due to significant erosion to the embankments of the River Ely, the footbridge needed to be replaced. The footbridge provides an essential link for the local community from key residential areas to the town’s shops including the local GP surgery and pharmacy. With the footpath closed, it is a significant diversion for the community to take to reach the opposite...

Fibre Reinforced Plastic Bridge

Published 6 November 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Modern methods of construction
In their efforts to reduce carbon on the project this contractor has researched various methods of bridge building and materials used. This has seen them now working with Janson Bridges to create a Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) bridge as the solution on the Tyn-y-Bryn project. Traditionally bridge construction consists of large amounts of concrete and steel which creates a large...

Grout Cleaning Machine

Published 10 October 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesDust Periodic inspection and clean-up of boundaries
A Foam belt cleaner has been used by this contractor to remove all excess grout from areas of slabs. It uses a continuous sponge band that is fed through a water bucket and rollers. The excess sludge and water are squeezed out leaving the sponge clean to repeat the cycle. This is now leaving tidy uniform joints and saving up to...

Supporting and Promoting the Lighthouse Charity

Published 12 September 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Mental health Wellbeing events
The project team  have been working closely, in partnership with Blackwood Plant Hire, to support and promote the work that the Lighthouse Charity do for the wellbeing of construction workers across the UK. They have the first ever Lighthouse Charity liveried excavator in the UK on their site. The excavator serves as a constant reminder to the workforce that they...

Live Digital Feedback on Safety Observations

Published 12 September 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesEngagement and commitment from the workforce Near miss Positive reinforcement for good safety practices Sharing of safety alerts
This project has developed a solution to ensuring that every member of the team can raise their concerns, ideas and feedback more easily than ever before and get live, instant updates and feedback on how the project is responding via a digital system throughout the site compound. Using networked systems throughout the offices and welfare and at key locations throughout...

Hydraulic Casing Handling Device

Published 1 August 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesModern methods of construction
The main contractor working on this project have introduced a hydraulic casing handling device to the UK piling market which is making the handling of temporary pile casing sections safer, quicker and more sustainable. This piece of equipment was developed by the Zueblin plant division in Stuttgart, Germany and introduced to the A63 Castle Street Improvement project in Hull in...

Digitising the Works Site

Published 28 June 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesLessons learned Monitoring and recording of resource usage Near miss Positive leadership and risk ownership
This contractor is using project management tools to assist in the monitoring and improvement of construction delivery to the schemes values. MSite – Labour management is used for locality reporting as a customer social value target tool and also for digitising briefing sessions to all construction and site visitors. JCB Livelink plant telematics are used to manage and monitor plant...

SSSTS Training Provided by Site for Local Residents

Published 2 June 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCommunity engagement Plan to positively promote construction Promoting construction as a career choice
This contractor had a new approach to developing skills and knowledge within the construction industry. Traditionally, the construction industry has relied on on-the-job training and apprenticeships to teach new workers the necessary skills. Therefore this contractor provided Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) opportunities to the community who may not have otherwise been able to attend such training. This allowed...

Online Net Zero Diary

Published 13 April 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Climate change training Measurement and publication of targets and performance
This contractor has made an online net zero dairy which is available to all via their website. This is the first construction diary which honestly and openly advises about their detailed net zero journey and where the business and wider industry are on the journey. The diary aims to share best practice but also highlight areas where the industry needs...

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme