
Published 25 October 2018 | No comments
Written by Paul Watkins
CategoriesFirst aid
Easiplaster can be placed directly over the wound and wrapped securely. By adding more layers and pressing together, it will contain severe bleeding. This is particularly suitable for fingers, hands, arms or legs. Benefits of Easiplaster include: Fast, easy application Sticks to itself and not to skin, hair or wounds Easy-tear and tears to size Stretchy and washproof Adhesive-free We...

Concrete Washout

Published 13 September 2018 | No comments
Written by Jane King
CategoriesWater saving measures
The project team at Manchester Metropolitan University Arts and Humanities site worked with a subcontractor to come up with a solution for dealing with concrete wash water. The site is limited on space and it was not possible to obtain a consent to discharge trade effluent. The proposed solution involved a system which allows the reuse of the initial wash water...

Project Plastic Reduction 1 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 5

Published 13 September 2018 | No comments
Written by Jane King
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics
The site team at the Manchester Metropolitan Arts and Humanities project engaged with the company’s plastic reduction campaign and all committed to a plastic pledge. As a result, several initiatives were introduced on the project including: Every operative at induction is provided with a project branded plastic bottle. The project has switched from purchasing milk in plastic containers to organic...

Public Feedback Board

Published 13 September 2018 | No comments
Written by Jane King
CategoriesCommunity engagement Identify potential impacted communities Maintain comments/complaints record Notice board Response to compliments and concerns
The Manchester Metropolitan Arts and Humanities Project is in the heart of the University Campus meaning there are lots of members of the public and students that interface with the site and our staff. As such, the site implemented a ‘Public Feedback Board’ encouraging feedback on being a good neighbour. Passers by can use a QR code to provide feedback to...

Single Use Plastic Reduction Campaign

Published 24 August 2018 | No comments
Written by Jane King
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics
To coincide with World Environment Day we decided to focus on single-use plastics used across our projects and offices. World Environment Day is the most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness of global environmental issues. The theme this year was around making everyday changes to reduce the burden of plastic pollution. All of our offices were asked to support and...

Glow in the Dark Escape Route Markers

Published 16 April 2018 | No comments
Written by Barney Sparrow
CategoriesEmergency preparedness
We have installed photo luminescent floor mounted discs to compliment the demarcation of escape routes as a safety measure. To further assist in safely guiding people out of the building during a fire or emergency situation we have fixed the floor mounted discs on all our escape routes This initiative has been introduced to improve upon a previous initiative of...

First Aid Response Drill

Published 16 April 2018 | No comments
Written by David Boyle
CategoriesEmergency preparedness First aid
Our drill was devised to assess the response to a significant first aid incident on our project. Only the Project Manager, Safety Advisor, and the two ‘injured’ volunteers knew about the drill. The responding Site Managers were advised of the drill once they arrived at the scene. The scenario was then explained to the Site Managers that one individual had...

Fire Safety Awareness and Extinguisher Training Session

Published 16 April 2018 | No comments
Written by David Boyle
CategoriesEmergency preparedness
We have arranged for an external training provider to visit our project and deliver a Fire Safety Awareness training session. The session was presented to a selection of the site office staff and sub-contractor operatives working on the project. The group were taken through the awareness session in the site office meeting room covering topics such as the physics of...

Visual Fire Point Fitted Inside Telehandler Cab 1 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 5

Published 11 April 2018 | No comments
Written by Barney Sparrow
CategoriesEmergency preparedness
Following a fire drill held at Ramsgate fire station, it become apparent that the telehandler operator, Colin, could not clearly hear the audible sirens and continued to work until a Morgan Sindall fire marshall made him aware. Upon investigation, Colin at the point of the fire drill had his heaters on full power within the cab, which along with the...

Emission Reduction Schemes

Published 5 February 2018 | No comments
Written by Henry Reynolds
CategoriesCarbon reduction Education
Morgan Sindall’s commercial fleet driver performance is managed through a tracker system. The best drivers each month are identified and the best driver each quarter receives a £150 cash prize. We also recently produced an online ‘Driver Safety for Car Drivers’ e-Learning module, making completion mandatory for all Morgan Sindall staff. The module highlights efficient driving techniques, including a top...

Inspiring Students into the Construction Industry

Published 19 April 2017 | No comments
Written by Nabeel Javed
CategoriesColleges and universities
Morgan Sindall have recently sent trainee site manager Nabeel Javed to visit local colleges/schools to deliver a presentation which has engaged students in educating them about the construction industry and why they should consider a career in construction. As a trainee site manager currently on a trainee development programme, Nabeel is not far off from being in the same position they...

Road Sweeper Washout Facility 1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 5

Published 4 April 2017 | No comments
Written by Charlotte Taylor
CategoriesWater saving measures
The discharge from a road sweeper is classified as waste unless it is treated. The A6MARR team has installed a Road Sweeper Washout Facility to treat the discharge on site from the road sweepers. Water from the sweepers is discharged into the filter pit, lined with either concrete or plastic to prevent ground contamination. The water is then held up...

The Light Balloon Module System

Published 19 September 2016 | No comments
Written by Tom Cummins
CategoriesAdequate lighting Positioning of equipment, lighting and CCTV
Works were being carried out for the removal of existing street lighting on the A34 and A555. To ensure there was adequate lighting for the travelling members of the public and the workforce carrying out night work activities, an alternative light source was required. After some research and a trial period the Light Balloon Module system was found to be...


Published 12 September 2016 | No comments
Written by Charlotte Taylor
CategoriesSpill prevention
The EnviroPad is a lightweight, durable and innovative spill/drip hydrocarbon retention pad, preventing oil based pollutants from entering the environment. Following a successful demonstration of the polymer used in EnviroPads, the A6MARR team have trialled them on site. The polymer traps hydrocarbons within the pad and coverts it to a rubber mass, letting rainwater pass through the pad. Once the...

Dumpmaster Used to Reduce Manual Handling

Published 6 June 2016 | No comments
Written by Paul Watkins
CategoriesControls and expected behaviours Health risk assessments and monitoring Waste management
The Site Team working at Queens Hill Primary School in Norwich are currently using a Dumpmaster which aids the workforce with manual handling issues. We have wheelie bins around the site of different colours which are for each of the different trades. These are then wheeled to a central location where the skips are lined up. The wheelie bin is placed inside...

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme