drugs and alcohol

Spotlight on… drugs and alcohol aims to raise awareness of the health and safety risks associated with the topic and how it impacts the construction industry...

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‘Spotlight on… drugs and alcohol’ aims to raise awareness of the health and safety risks associated with this topic and educate the sector’s workforce about how drugs and alcohol impact upon the construction industry.

Maintaining a safe working environment is of utmost importance for any employer; this not only applies to the workforce, but also the surrounding public and anybody else who may be affected. The need for attention and consideration could not be more of a priority than within the already safety-conscious construction industry.

It goes without saying that the influence of drugs and alcohol pose huge safety risks for the industry; the slightest lapse in attention or focus could cause serious consequences, particularly in a working environment where heavy machinery and vehicles are used. For many people, consuming alcohol outside working hours is a typical part of a normal lifestyle and usually does not create any serious problems. Enjoying a few drinks within the legal limit in leisure time should not be condemned, but the after effects must be kept in mind when regarding an individual’s physical and mental capabilities.

It is important to understand that drugs and alcohol can affect the psychological and physical state of wellbeing, significantly diminishing the ability to perform at a responsible level. The effects of drugs and alcohol can vary depending on the particular substance taken. However, the most common influences that can affect an individual in a working environment are as follows:

  • Impaired awareness including vision and hearing
  • Reduced concentration and ability to focus
  • Diminished judgement and decision making
  • Compromised balance and coordination

Each of these can directly compromise both the body’s mental and physical ability, greatly intensifying the chance of a hazard occurring. It is common knowledge when working in a construction environment that the individual’s actions do not just affect themselves, but can also impact those around them.

It is essential to keep in mind that it is not just recreational drugs that can pose a serious risk. Prescribed drugs may also influence an individual in various ways, which can have serious consequences in the workplace. Fundamentally, any form of drug that you may not routinely take holds the possibility of unexpected side effects.

The issue of drugs and alcohol does not just pose a health and safety hazard; the possession, production and supply of illegal drugs are criminal offences and have no place in the working environment. Whilst employers and fellow colleagues should be aware of the signs of being under the influence, they should also be vigilant of any illegal activity taking place on premises.

Alongside the risks to health and safety and potential criminal activity, the impact of drugs and alcohol should be clearly identified and addressed. The impact of drugs and alcohol can be categorised down to four core issues:

  1. Injuries and fatalities
  2. Absenteeism and dismissal
  3. Inefficiency
  4. Criminal activity

Facts and figures

It can be difficult to determine exactly what extent the industry is affected by drugs and alcohol. The following facts have been identified:

  • 20-30% of workplace accidents can be associated with alcohol in safety-critical industries such as construction (NHS, 2006)
  • 27% of employers say drug misuse is a problem at work while 60% have experienced problems due to staff drinking alcohol (Alcohol Concern, 2010)
  • 33% of employees admit to being at work with a hangover from the night before, which they accept impacts directly on their own productivity and safety (Institute of Alcohol Studies, 2015)
  • 200,000 people every day turn up to work hungover (European Alcohol and Health Forum, 2011)
  • 17 million working days a year are lost in England due to alcohol-related sickness (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2010)
  • 3-5% of all absences each year are due to alcohol (Trade Union Congress, 2010)
  • UK industry loses £7.3 billion a year to alcohol-related sickness absence (Cabinet Office, 2010)
  • 3 million deaths a year are a result of harmful drugs and alcohol use (World Health Organisation, 2015)
  • 7 out of the 10 professions with the highest drink or drug driving rates in 2016 were part of the building trade (MoneySuperMarket, 2016)

In order to gain a more up to date and direct representation of how the industry feels about the issue, the Scheme gathered information through an industry survey. Over 1,200 participants responded, proving the subject was clearly an important issue. The following results were identified:

  • 59% agreed there is an issue in the industry related to drugs and alcohol
  • 39% admitted the issue of drugs or alcohol could be better tackled in their workplace
  • 65% admitted they have never been tested for drugs and alcohol
  • 35% have noticed their colleagues under the influence of drugs and alcohol
  • 25% agreed drugs or alcohol affected them at work through tiredness
  • 23% agreed it affected them through decreased attention during work
  • 19% agreed the affects made them less productive at work 

Responses also showed a positive approach was being taken to tackle the issue, with sites providing information on drugs and alcohol through toolbox talks, site inductions and resources such as posters. Alcohol policies are often clearly displayed and many companies take a zero tolerance approach to drugs and alcohol.

While it is clear that the industry is aware of this issue, there is evidence to suggest that more can be done, and in some cases, needs to be done. There is now a greater requirement for more testing to be conducted both on site and in office locations. Although testing raises a highly sensitive subject of privacy and legalities, some believe it is the only way to properly regulate the issue, with a general consensus that random testing is beneficial.

Any initiatives such as random testing should focus equally on all personnel within a company, including site and office based employees, not simply operatives. Also, like many other subjects in the industry that require resources and manpower to tackle, it is smaller companies which generally have a more difficult time implementing such a comprehensive and thorough approach.

It is crucial that testing is carried out legally and correctly for any company which decides to include drugs and alcohol testing within their policy. Testing should only be carried out by a professional testing agency or a fully certified and accredited employee. A professional agency will send specialised staff to visit the premises and carry out testing, as well as produce results. An accredited employee is a member of staff who is qualified under a professional agency to perform testing for their own workforce.

It is also important to recognise testing may not be included in every company’s drugs and alcohol policy and therefore the workforce cannot be subject to testing if it is not stated in this document.



Law and legislation

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Law and legislation

The subject of drugs and alcohol does not just pose a risk to health and safety, it also raises legal concerns. These examples highlight exactly how issues within this topic can cross over into a legal matter...

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External resources

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External resources

There are many awareness campaigns and resources dedicated to the subject of drugs and alcohol. These examples include a collection of useful and important information gathered from various organisations and databases...

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Examples of best practice

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Examples of best practice

The Scheme aims to improve the image of construction through sharing best practice with the industry. Below are a number of best practice examples that have been witnessed by the Scheme’s Monitors on their visits or submitted directly by registered sites, companies and suppliers…

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Case studies

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Case studies

The industry has acknowledged and reacted to the issue of drugs and alcohol for some time now. However, as the environment changes the industry is also changing its approach to tackling the issue. Click here for examples, case studies and sources of information that are better safeguarding the workforce...

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What can you do?

There is no doubt the industry has made considerable progress with tackling the issue of drugs and alcohol over the years. The topic can also touch on sensitive areas regarding implementing regulations governing on how an individual should act outside of work. However, the primary concern is and always will be to safeguard the workforce’s health and safety in one of the most accident and risk intensive industries.

Below you will find advice on what you can do to better organise and prepare a strategy for tackling the issue of drugs and alcohol:

1. A drugs and alcohol policy should be constructed and implemented at a company-wide level

In order to establish a firm, direct and informed approach to the issue, a policy should be in place. This ensures all employees understand the procedures and regulations associated with the issue, as well as providing a clear and accessible direction for when action is required. Drugs and alcohol is a serious concern to health and safety and should therefore fall alongside other policies in this area.

2. Resources and awareness materials should be easily accessible

Promoting the topic through visible reminders is effective in maintaining a sense of awareness that leads to positive action and thinking. Initiatives should include staff meetings, resources such as posters, handouts, information summaries and directions to other sources of information, such as this learning toolkit. Education is the most effective tool to tackle the issue.

3. Support systems should be available and approachable

An employee that feels they are cared for and has options is more likely to take action. Establish an environment where support is easily accessible and the individual is ensured confidentiality. An open door policy and offering support internally is a priority, as well as having a direct channel to refer externally if necessary. It should be encouraged that coming forward and managing the issue is the right thing to do for the workforce.

4. Encourage an open environment

All employees should feel they can talk to someone about any concerns or personal issues at their workplace. It is important to encourage an environment where there is a focus to achieve solutions first, rather than taking disciplinary actions without any attempts of support.

5. Testing

Workforce testing is not a legal requirement for every company to comply with. However, it is advised to integrate some level of testing within the overall drugs and alcohol policy. This ensures there is a formal and controlled procedure that can provide factual results and therefore support the decision to take the necessary action(s) with greater accuracy. The presence of potential testing also maintains a firm reminder to the workforce of the consequences of not taking the issue of drugs and alcohol seriously.

As well as the information above, it is also advised to use the resources provided in the ‘External resources’ section, which offers guidance and resources from other organisations and companies that cover the full spectrum of the topic.

The Scheme will continue to update this page as new examples and case studies of how the industry is tackling this issue are identified. If you would like to share how your company is addressing drugs and alcohol, please contact the Scheme by emailing enquiries@ccsbestpractice.org.uk

Date published: June 22 2016
Last updated: January 28 2025

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Examples of best practice

The Scheme aims to improve the image of construction through sharing best practice with the industry. Below are a number of best practice examples that have been either witnessed by the Scheme’s Monitors on their site visits or submitted by members of the industry themselves:

March – Sleep

Published 5 December 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation

Considerate Constructors Scheme have partnered with Drinkaware to help the construction industry make positive changes to their drinking, Good sleep is critical for safety, focus, and productivity on a construction site. However drinking can significantly disrupt your rest, leading to fatigue and potentially dangerous mistakes.

February – Monday Mornings

Published 5 December 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation

Considerate Constructors Scheme have partnered with Drinkaware to help the construction industry make positive changes to their drinking, Construction work requires full attention, energy, and clear thinking – especially on Monday mornings when the work week kicks off. But heavy drinking over the weekend can leave you feeling tired, foggy and dehydrated. By understanding the effects of alcohol and how…

January – Dry January

Published 5 December 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation

Considerate Constructors Scheme have partnered with Drinkaware to help the construction industry make positive changes to their drinking, Taking a break from drinking in January can be an ideal way to reset your relationship with alcohol and improve your overall wellbeing. Cutting back or pausing your alcohol intake can boost your health and job performance, with improved sleep quality, better…

December – Staying Safe this Christmas in Construction

Published 19 September 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation
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Considerate Constructors Scheme have partnered with Drinkaware to help the construction industry make positive changes to their drinking, The Christmas period is a time of celebration, but for those working in the construction industry, it can also be a period of increased risk, especially when it comes to alcohol consumption. Whether it’s attending holiday parties or winding down after a…

November – Working Away From Home

Published 19 September 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation

Considerate Constructors Scheme have partnered with Drinkaware to help the construction industry make positive changes to their drinking, Working away from home can present unique challenges, particularly when it comes to managing how much alcohol you drink. Many construction workers find themselves isolated in unfamiliar areas, often staying in poor accommodation, sometimes even above pubs.

October – Alcohol and Peer Pressure

Published 19 September 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation

Considerate Constructors Scheme have partnered with Drinkaware to help the construction industry make positive changes to their drinking, In the construction industry, socialising can often involve having a drink with colleagues after work. While this can be a great way to bond, it’s important to be aware of the peer pressure that can arise, particularly when rounds are involved. Understanding…

September – Alcohol and Blood Pressure

Published 19 September 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation

Considerate Constructors Scheme have partnered with Drinkaware to help the construction industry make positive changes to their drinking, As construction workers, your health is your most valuable tool. Just like maintaining your equipment and wearing protective clothing, taking care of your health ensures you stay at the top of your game. One critical aspect to monitor is your blood pressure,…

The Drinkaware Drinking Check

Published 19 September 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Diet Health risk assessments and monitoring Substance dependence cessation

Considerate Constructors Scheme have partnered with Drinkaware to help the construction industry make positive changes to their drinking, This initiative aims to support the construction industry by enabling employees and contractors to understand more about their own drinking with the Drinkaware Drinking Check and make positive changes to their drinking if they need to. The Drinkaware Drinking Check, a tool…

CASE STUDY: Robertson – Mandatory Drugs and Alcohol Testing

Published 10 January 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Health risk assessments and monitoring Induction and training Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Health risk assessments and monitoring Induction and training Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation

The construction sector has encountered many challenges in relation to recreational drug use, which has become more prevalent since the pandemic and is impacting health and wellbeing across wider society. Robertson Group have developed a video which highlights what they have done to improve Drugs and Alcohol testing on their sites and the support they need to tackle this major…

Alcohol Policy Template

Published 27 March 2023 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesRandom substance testing Substance dependence cessation

Many sites have implemented an Alcohol Policy to ensure all operatives on site are not under the influence of alcohol and therefore are fit to work. Alcohol testing might be implemented where appropriate to further encourage this positive culture of safety consideration. For sites that do not have their own company policy in place, the Scheme has included an alcohol…

Spotlight on… posters

Published 17 October 2022 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Carbon reduction Display CCS registration materials Mental health Modern slavery training Random substance testing Signage
CategoriesCarbon reduction Display CCS registration materials Mental health Modern slavery training Random substance testing Signage

Spotlight on… posters have been designed for general display in and around site welfare facilities. The Scheme has developed a collection of A3 posters from the series of ‘Spotlight on…’ learning toolkits. This resource has proven valuable for display on site and raising awareness amongst the workforce and visitors. To purchase these products, click here. To download a free electronic…

Anti-Drug Campaign

Published 17 February 2020 | No comments
Written by David Taylor
Categories Random substance testing
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Following a project safety stand down at the beginning of the year, and regular drug and alcohol testing carried out on site, the team have engaged with the workforce on an anti-drug campaign. A drugs and alcohol testing specialist has joined the site in carrying out regular testing and delivering presentations to the workforce in order to highlight the issues…

Demonstrations of Brake Reaction Testing and ‘Beer Goggles’ to Simulate Impaired Driving

Published 15 October 2019 | No comments
Written by Nicholas O'Connell
Categories Coaching for unsafe actions Positive reinforcement for good safety practices Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesCoaching for unsafe actions Positive reinforcement for good safety practices Substance dependence cessation

To further promote safety for vulnerable road users in line with CLOCS, as well as promoting employee safety, a member of Kildare County Council held a road safety and drink awareness talk onsite. Discussing issues and giving role-play demonstrations such as: Managing Driving for Work Alcohol consumption effects Local accident hotspots Speed limits in the regional area Impaired vision due…

Fingerprint Drugs Testing

Published 8 July 2019 | No comments
Written by Kiu Tran
Categories Random substance testing
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Lendlease have started trialling portable fingerprint based drugs testing equipment at their Elephant Park Development. Intelligent Fingerprinting is a fingerprint based system that checks for evidence of recent drugs misuse. The team at Elephant Park is trialling the fingerprint testing system in conjunction with the random drug screenings and in for-cause cases. To find out more, click the link below.

Alcohol Testing

Published 28 May 2019 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Random substance testing
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Mitnija UK Ltd have recognised that anyone on a construction site with alcohol in their system may pose a risk to themselves and others, therefore they have put in place a zero-tolerance alcohol policy. To ensure the effectiveness of this policy, before starting work each morning, everyone must measure their blood alcohol level by breathing into an automated breath alcohol…

Charitable Donations

Published 8 April 2019 | No comments
Written by Stuart Partlow
Categories Support for local charities
CategoriesSupport for local charities

Simons Group uses a mobile app to record the Don’t Walk Bys (DWB) on each project. As part of this initiative the Chairman offered a charitable donation of £1.00 per DWB. Each project are given the opportunity to choose a local charity. The Circle Health Birmingham project chose a local charity Aquarius – The Grow Project, which is situated next…

Pre-Employment Drugs and Alcohol Testing

Published 8 October 2018 | No comments
Written by Tamzin Balmer
Categories Random substance testing
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Illegal drug use and alcohol abuse is a social issue and in a highly hazard environment, such as construction, the effects can have a significant impact on safety. Strong policies and robust testing regimes are required to ensure that the effects of such use and abuse do not pose a risk to safety of people working on our construction sites….

Alcohol Awareness

Published 6 September 2018 | No comments
Written by Jodie Francis
Categories Substance dependence cessation Wellbeing events
CategoriesSubstance dependence cessation Wellbeing events

To tie in with the update of the Drugs and Alcohol Policy, Bank Station Capacity Upgrade held an interactive Alcohol Awareness Event. This included a presentation consisting of: Calorie Consumption, Contractual Requirements, Unit Awareness and the Consequences of Alcohol Abuse. Several games with prizes were played to highlight the reason for the Drug and Alcohol Policy including: ‘Guess the Units’…

Interview Workshops for Women Returning to Work

Published 6 August 2018 | No comments
Written by Denise Southard
Categories Community engagement Disadvantaged and minority groups support Promoting construction as a career choice Support for careers advice
CategoriesCommunity engagement Disadvantaged and minority groups support Promoting construction as a career choice Support for careers advice

We hosted an Interview Workshop for women returners who have been out of work for a long period of time at SHAK Community Centre on the Ainsworth Estate, Kilburn London The women have passed interpersonal skills and CV writing course at South Hampstead And Kilburn Community Centre but were worried about going for interviews. We liaised with the Facilities Manager…

Mandatory Drug Testing of Safety Critical Workers

Published 16 May 2018 | No comments
Written by Jane Elder
Categories Random substance testing
CategoriesRandom substance testing

In order to ensure the safety of everyone on site, Robertson are carrying out Drug and Alcohol testing on all Safety Critical workers at induction, this is in addition to the random drug testing which will still take place. There are a number of safety critical workers who will undertake testing including, all mobile plant operators, those carrying out tasks…

Equipping Gatemen with Breathalysers

Published 7 May 2017 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Random substance testing
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Contractors must be vigilant against the presence of drugs and alcohol on site, as it is in the interests of everyone on site to remain safe. This can be a particular problem with drivers, as a driver under the influence poses a grave risk to the local community. See the examples below for how one site addressed this: As the gateman…

Fatigue Wristband for Tunnelling Workforce

Published 2 February 2017 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Health risk assessments and monitoring
CategoriesHealth risk assessments and monitoring

Worker fatigue poses a potential health and safety hazard, and can be detrimental to the overall health of the workforce. Fatigue can have similar effects to alcohol, slowing down reaction time, causing lapses in judgement, and impairing cognitive ability. This danger is particularly relevant to projects which involve tunnelling, as the long shifts and rotating day and night shifts put workers at greater…

Spotlight on… drugs and alcohol follow-up article

Published 17 November 2016 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesRandom substance testing Substance dependence cessation

In June 2016 the Scheme’s learning toolkit focused on the health and safety risks associated with drugs and alcohol in the construction industry. A survey conducted by the Considerate Constructors Scheme in 2016 revealed 59% of industry workers felt that there is currently a health and safety issue related to drugs and alcohol. Furthermore, a staggering 65% admitted they have…

Raising Drugs and Alcohol Awareness

Published 25 October 2016 | No comments
Written by London City Island
Categories Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesRandom substance testing Substance dependence cessation

Our company’s drugs and alcohol policy includes a clear annual and random testing regime of no less than 20% of the workforce. Proper guidance and support systems will be offered if the individual declares their drug or alcohol problem prior to being tested, encouraging an attitude of stepping forward to gain help. Likewise, anyone refusing testing shall result in disciplinary…

Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Published 30 August 2016 | No comments
Written by Andrew Sharp
Categories Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesRandom substance testing Substance dependence cessation

We are committed to maintaining a productive and most importantly, safe workplace. In managing large geographical areas of the strategic road network involving busy transportation pathways and working next to high speed traffic, we must ensure that the safety of the workforce and the public is always of utmost concern, and that our workforce all round awareness is always as…

Drugs and Alcohol Testing during Ramadan

Published 8 August 2016 | No comments
Written by Andrew Shepherd
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Random substance testing
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Random substance testing

Due to the diverse workforce on site we have requested the drugs and alcohol testing company bring saliva testing kits with them instead of just urine during Ramadan. This caters for those involved with Ramadan traditions where operatives may struggle to supply sufficient sample due to the reduced intake of liquids.

E-smoking Guide for Employers

Published 8 August 2016 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Designated smoking and vaping areas Suitable/accessible separate facilities
CategoriesDesignated smoking and vaping areas Suitable/accessible separate facilities

Although the difference between smoking a cigarette and a e-cigarette, also known as ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery System), may be noticeably different, the understanding on what is acceptable at the workplace can be less obvious. Organisations need a clear policy on whether to allow people to ‘vape’ anywhere, nowhere or restricted areas, to avoid misunderstandings and legal action. The law…

Driver Drug and Alcohol Testing

Published 10 May 2016 | No comments
Written by Simon Taylor
Categories Controls and expected behaviours Random substance testing
CategoriesControls and expected behaviours Random substance testing

Construction by its nature has many potential risks. One of the risks involves the workforce operating whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Either of these will impair their performance and can lead to them taking safety risks or putting others at risk. Our usual drug and alcohol policy applies to all persons engaged in the works, and some have…

Drug Testing and Counselling Initiative

Published 15 April 2016 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Consultation on health and safety Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Consultation on health and safety Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation

The risk and impact of drugs to an individual can be a serious concern to their own health, as well as others. It is important to take the topic seriously and provide a thorough approach including both regulation and support, when considering the wellbeing and safety of the workforce. Below is an example of how one site introduced drug testing…

Bring Your Child to Work Day

Published 31 March 2016 | No comments
Written by Andrew Sharp
Categories Promoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries
CategoriesPromoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries

Our Area 12 STEM Ambassador Group arranged a ‘Bring your child to work day’ during the summer holidays to encourage more young people to consider Engineering as a career and provide greater awareness of our construction and engineering activities around the network. This allowed us to reach local communities, to share what we do and why we do what we…

Alcohol Awareness Week

Published 4 March 2016 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Diet Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesDiet Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation

Alcohol Awareness Week is an annual campaign organised by Alcohol Concern. The campaign aims to get people thinking about alcohol and how it impacts themselves, as well families, colleagues and the community as a whole. Any organisation is encouraged to take part from local authorities, emergency and healthcare services, schools, colleges and the workplace. Alcohol concern is providing free resources including…

Dry January

Published 4 March 2016 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Diet Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesDiet Substance dependence cessation

Dry January is an annual campaign organised by Alcohol Concern that runs the full length of January. The campaign encourages adopting a completely alcohol free lifestyle for a total 31 days with the aim to raise awareness of alcohol consumption and healthy living. Those who have taken part in previous years have reported a noticeable change in health including: Weight loss Better…

What is Worker Fatigue?

Published 3 February 2016 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Flexible working Rest
CategoriesFlexible working Rest

The safety and wellbeing of a site’s workforce is a primary concern and must be properly monitored and managed. Amongst other common safety hazards, worker fatigue should not be something that is overlooked. “A state of perceived weariness that can result from prolonged working, heavy workload, insufficient rest and inadequate sleep.” – Office of Rail Regulation 2012 The Effects A construction…

Supporting Operatives through Drug and Alcohol Misuse

Published 9 December 2015 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation

Encouraging healthy living throughout the workforce is important. Providing information and help on preventing the use of alcohol and drugs, can make operatives feel supported and cared for. Alcohol and drug use should also be considered and discouraged. Especially as this can have a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of the workforce and even present a potential safety issue. Below…

Smoking Issues

Published 17 October 2014 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Designated smoking and vaping areas Periodic inspection and clean-up of boundaries
CategoriesDesignated smoking and vaping areas Periodic inspection and clean-up of boundaries

Healthy lifestyle advice is becoming more and more important on construction sites. This can include specialist advice and support regarding dietary issues, drugs or alcohol abuse and smoking. Sites could encourage workers to stop smoking and lead a healthier lifestyle. If workers do not want to quit smoking, a sheltered, secluded area can be created to ensure that smokers have a…

Close case studies

Case studies

The following case studies are a collection of useful and important information gathered from various sources including contractors and professional organisations and charities:


A-one+ Integrated Highways Services focuses their efforts to tackle drugs and alcohol through a Road Safety Week initiative. Educating the workforce on the effects and impact of drug and drink driving to reduce the risk in and around busy transportation pathways and high speed traffic. To find out more click here.
Ardmore outlines its drugs and alcohol policy including a random testing procedure. To find out more click here.
Ballymore highlights their range of awareness techniques aiming to tackle the issue of drugs and alcohol. To find out more click here.
Bowmer + Kirkland’s drug and alcohol policy outlines the effects on the individual both short and long term. For more information click here.
Galliford Try highlights and explains how they implemented a robust drugs and alcohol policy and how they performed tests. For more information click here.
Interserve has established tool box talks including a host of facts and figures on drugs and alcohol. Their policy also offers a range of resources such as posters and advisory services. To find out more click here.
John F Hunt highlights and explains the full spectrum of testing along with disciplinary offences and actions. To find out more click here.
John Sisk & Son Ltd acknowledge the risk that substance abuse, including drugs and alcohol can have whilst working on site and have developed and implemented a Substance Abuse policy. The Sisk Temple Quay, Phase 3 project put in place a site specific initiative to combat this issue. To find out more click here.
Mick George showcases their Safety Improvement Campaign which highlights their testing process. For more information click here.
Mulalley & Co Ltd provides an overview of their drug and alcohol policy including methods such as raising awareness through inductions, tool box talks and site posters. Also highlighting their FORS accreditation to improve safety on the roads. To find out more click here.


AgriYork 400 Ltd provide a detailed explanation of drug testing and the laws behind it that affect the employee. For more information click here.
Alcohol Change offer an extensive library of information on alcohol in the workplace including facts, tips and advice. The charity also highlights its awareness campaigns aiming to reduce the risks of alcohol. For more information click here.
DrugWise presents a full list of definitions on the most commonly used drugs found in the industry. This includes description, effects and the risk when used in the workplace. For more information click here.
Close law and legislation

Law and legislation

The subject of drugs and alcohol does not just pose a risk to health and safety, it also raises legal concerns. The following law and legislation below highlights exactly how issues within this topic can cross over into a legal matter:

Misuse of Drugs Act 1971

This Act regulates the unlawful production, supply and possession of illegally controlled substances unless prescribed by a doctor. It establishes that it is illegal for an employer to knowingly permit the production, supply and possession of such substances on their premises. 

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Employers have a duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their workforce where practical. It is possible for the employer to be prosecuted if they knowingly allow a member of the workforce to operate under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol that could place themselves or others at risk.

Road Traffic Act 1988

Any employee under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol who is unfit to drive and/or be in charge of a vehicle is guilty of an offence. It is specified to be an offence when alcohol concentration is above the current prescribed limit.

Transport and Works Act 1992

It is a criminal offence for employees to be unfit for work whilst under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol and working on transport systems such as railways. It is also an offence for transport system operators to not attempt to prevent the above offence from being committed.

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

Employers are required to assess the additional risk to the health and safety of the individual and/or others when operating work equipment.

Human Rights Act 1998

The rights of the individual must be balanced against another in order to determine the safety and protection of the community. A drugs and alcohol policy is justified where the safety of the public is at risk.

Misuse of Drugs and Alcohol Regulations 2001

These regulations define the classes of people who are authorised to possess, manufacture or supply controlled drugs. This is important in preventing the malpractice of prescription drugs such as codeine, steroids and morphine.

Psychoactive Substances Act 2016

Under this Act, it is illegal to supply, produce, import or possess substances capable of exhibiting psychoactive effects. Psychoactive substances might include depressants, stimulants, opiates and psychedelics.

Close External resources

External resources

There are many awareness campaigns and resources dedicated to the subject of drugs and alcohol: 

  • Brake runs simultaneous national and regional campaigns through the year, focusing on various aspects of road safety. To find more campaigns by Brake, click here.
  • British Liver Trust is currently running a national awareness campaign ‘Love Your Liver’. This provides advice on how to maintain a healthy liver through three simple steps. Take your own personal liver screen test online here.
  • D.tec International works with organisations to provide non-intrusive Drug and Alcohol (D&A) screening services. They are also available to offer guidance and advice to employers regarding D&A policy development.
  • Drinkaware provides research, reports and resources on drinking habits and lifestyles. The Considerate Constructors Scheme and Drinkaware have come together in partnership to create the Drinkaware in Construction programme to help people understand their relationship with alcohol better. View the campaign here.
  • HSE provides free resources and information regarding drugs and alcohol in the workplace that focus both on the employee and the employer. Covering key aspects such as impacts and effects, what to look for, policy etc.
  • NHS Healthier Families offers a variety of information and resources including tips to reduce drinking habits and lead a healthier lifestyle.
  • Public Health England (PHE) released the ‘Health matters: harmful drinking and alcohol dependence’ document in January 2016. This resource provides a fully comprehensive base of facts, trends and essential information around the subject in relation to health and safety.
  • Synlab work with employers to provide drugs and alcohol testing services. Find out more here.
  • Talk to Frank maintains a wide range of services including information on drugs, advice to reduce the harm, and support for confidential counselling and treatment. To find a full A-Z list of drugs with the associated risks and laws click here.
  • THINK! provides information to encourage safer behaviour on the roads by working collaboratively with organisations and law enforcement for maximum reach and impact.
  • Trade Union Congress (TUC) includes an extensive literature source on drug testing in the workplace covering aspects such as types of testing, effectiveness, law and legislation and more. The document can be viewed and/or downloaded here.
  • UK Government provides official guidelines and support on the drug testing procedure in the workplace. Such information proves useful for both the employer carrying out procedures correctly and also the employee to understand their rights. ‘Being monitored at work: workers’ rights’ can be found here.

What is the industry doing?

  • The Considerate Constructors Scheme offers a drugs and alcohol policy template which can be downloaded here.
  • Robertson Group have developed a video which highlights what they have done to improve Drugs and Alcohol testing on their sites and the support they need to tackle this major concerning issue which impacts the whole industry.

What is happening outside of the United Kingdom?

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