
A list of entries tagged with Carbon Reduction

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Electric Piling Rig

Published 12 September 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Conserve of energy Energy efficient plant and equipment

The Area East team have implemented an initiative to align with producing a low carbon product, the electric piling rig. This uses less energy compared to the traditional model rig, however, is just as powerful. The rig is the only one of its kind in the UK and the only rig in the world to be connected to mains electricity….

Cathodic Protection to Reduce Carbon

Published 12 September 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction

The project has saved 170 tonne of carbon and over 640 m3 of waste to landfill by changing the design and utilising cathodic protection of the existing structural steelwork, as suggested by the Principal Contractor. The original proposal was the removal and replacement of surrounding brickwork to treat the numerous steel columns. The system gives an unlimited design life to…

Air Quality Footprinting

Published 8 September 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Monitoring and recording of resource usage

Typically, on a construction site the only monitoring of air quality is through a 24/7 monitor with the aim of warning the project of any spikes in poor local air quality. This contractor has been working with an Air Quality Consultant, supporting them to build specific calculator tools that businesses can use to footprint particulate matter (PM10 &PM2.5) and NOx…

Workforce Carbon Toolbox Talks

Published 14 August 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesEducation Induction and training Workforce training

Carbon can be used in a number of different ways on construction sites and while there is a vast amount of resources coming available for management level to look at strategy of reducing carbon on construction projects there is less available to bring the conversation to the general workforce. With a lack of toolbox talks aimed at the workforce which include…

Low Carbon Insulation

Published 26 July 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Conserve of resources Lower embodied carbon content materials

This contractor is using STEICOflex, which is a low carbon insulation made from a flexible wood fibre insulation. Its excellent thermal properties help reduce heating costs and CO2 emissions and due to photosynthesis, STEICOflex also stores CO2: trees absorb CO2 during photosynthesis and the carbon stays in the end product. The product is also carbon negative as more CO2 is…

Ex Stock Gas Pipe used as Support Piles

Published 16 July 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Conserve of resources

As part of the construction of the Canada Water Dock Boardwalk, instead of using new steel tubular piles to support the boardwalk, this contractor is using stock materials of gas pipe as support piles. This has negated the need to have new piles made, not only cutting down on costs of new steel but reducing the carbon footprint of the…

Battery Powered Small Boat

Published 12 July 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesEnergy efficient plant and equipment Identification of flora, fauna and natural resources Identify potential natural environment detriment Protect the local environment Protection of existing natural habitat Specialist input

The environmental specialist on this project is active in the Dock assessing and reporting on the situation in relation to the wildlife and any factors that may have an impact, caused by the project. To enable the specialist to get as close to the wildlife as possible they have provided a battery powered small boat. The benefits of the boat…

Electric Crusher

Published 10 July 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Conserve of energy Electric vehicles Energy efficient plant and equipment

To reduce vehicle movements to and from site and improve their carbon footprint, this contractor has engaged with a supplier to use an electric crusher on site for the re-use of material. Noise, dust and vibration is at an absolute minimum in comparison to using a fully diesel generator operated crusher. To find out more, click the link below.

Material Passports

Published 3 July 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Lower embodied carbon content materials Monitoring and recording of resource usage

A new method for carbon reduction in typically intensive new materials was implemented by this contractor, putting circular economy principles into practice. Materials Passports are digital documents that report everything you need to know about the building’s component parts to facilitate future re-use at a much-reduced carbon count. Taking waste from one project and using it as a resource for…

The UK Green Building Council’s Solutions Library

Published 18 April 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Climate change training Protect the local environment

Solutions to the climate and ecological crises already exist, but they are often not common knowledge or widely applied. UKGBC’s Solutions Library provides a central resource to showcase solutions to shared sustainability challenges across the built environment. It intends to increase awareness of tried and tested solutions to promote their adoption and scaling across the industry. The Solutions Library features…

The UK Green Building Council’s Case Study Library

Published 18 April 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Climate change training Protect the local environment

The UK Green Building Council’s (UKGBC’s) Case Study Library showcases built environment projects that demonstrate best practice and key learnings in one or more of the UKGBC impact areas: Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Nature, Resource Use and Health, Wellbeing & Social Value. The resource aims to foster greater understanding across the industry about the ways in which different…

Embodied Carbon Model

Published 18 April 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesMeasurement and publication of targets and performance Monitoring and recording of resource usage

This contractor has created an embodied carbon model for the project at RIBA Stage 4, using OneClick LCA. The results show that the embodied emissions will be 727 kg CO2e/m2. As the project progresses, this model is being updated to reflect final quantities of materials procured, all environmental product declarations use on the project and final site emissions data. This…

Ampd Enertainer Batteries for Tower Cranes

Published 18 April 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Conserve of energy Energy efficient plant and equipment

This contractor hired three Ampd Enertainer batteries, to power three tower cranes. These batteries were initially trialled in Hong Kong and Singapore. Following their success, they came to the Olympia Redevelopment as the first deployment in Europe. To date they have saved over 19t of carbon, and are estimated to save 192t of carbon in one year. They are 32x…

Online Net Zero Diary

Published 13 April 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Climate change training Measurement and publication of targets and performance

This contractor has made an online net zero dairy which is available to all via their website. This is the first construction diary which honestly and openly advises about their detailed net zero journey and where the business and wider industry are on the journey. The diary aims to share best practice but also highlight areas where the industry needs…

Measurable Energy Power Sockets

Published 13 April 2023 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCarbon reduction Conserve of energy

The welfare setup has been fitted with measurable energy sockets and fuse spurs for all power outlets. Measurable Energy equips facilities managers, building owners and occupants with real-time energy and GHG emissions monitoring, automated controls and data driven actions to avoid unnecessary carbon emissions and reduce costs. The smart sockets with machine learning capabilities eliminate small power wastage by reducing…

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme