Schools and colleges have been impacted massively during the pandemic. They are increasingly worried about the creation of a generation of ‘lost’ students with no sense of aspiration or employment. On this project they were asked to support the Foundations client group and wider education communities suffering due to the global pandemic.
After discussing the issues with the local college and the client they were asked to come up with something to keep learners engaged. They have developed a suite of learning programmes leading to virtual work experience placements and career insights for Primary, Secondary, sixth form FE and employment groups for NEET and long term unemployed. The aim of this is to continue to raise the profile of the industry as a career of choice but also to remind students they have not ‘been forgotten’ during these unsettling times. The ‘Tower City’ suite includes:
- 8ᵗʰ Wonder of… (Tyneside) – Aimed at Primary and Secondary to raise awareness of the built environment around them. Students are asked to nominate their favourite structures to compile a list of the 7 Local wonders of the region and are then tasked to design the 8ᵗʰ.
- So, you want to be a Bricklayer -Aimed at school leavers and those groups interested in bricklaying. From examining a brick to designing and measuring for a garden wall, students are taken through the end-to-end process with due diligence applied to H&S and PPE. This includes site visits and the opportunity to build their model for real with a local college.
- Setting up a construction site – Aimed at supporting students in college following construction related courses this project takes them through the requirements of setting up a site to cover the approach to A) Protecting the public, B) Traffic management, C) Materials Storage and Waste management, D) Staff Welfare and E) Considerate Constructors Scheme. At the end of the work book students are given a checklist and an area of land and asked to layout their site to the most appropriate way.
- Tower City Project – This is a design, measure and cost exercise based on an actual project local to students and has support from RICS locally and BACH.
To find out more, click the link below.
Monitor Report. Robertson Construction. Tyne and Wear. April 2021.
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