
A list of entries tagged with Plastics and Packaging

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Bottles with a Difference

Published 17 December 2019 | Written by Nalise Hahn
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

As part of our Responsible Business Strategy, one of our commitments is to reduce the 3,000 tonnes of plastic waste that Mace generates each year. Plastic cups and bottles are just some of the products that we throw away every day and many of these are only used once. ​​So the Mac​e team at Greenwich Square decided to source project…

Plastics Scorecard

Published 4 November 2019 | Written by Lynne Potter
CategoriesEducation Reduced use of single use plastics

At Mace, we launched our ‘Time To Act’ campaign on plastics in 2018. We have company-wide focuses for elimination, reduction, trialling alternatives, and sharing our successes with our other projects to replicate. As part of our construction focus we developed a ‘plastics scorecard’. This is a checklist with a number of prerequisites, along with many additional options for plastic reduction…

EPS Cutting Box

Published 4 November 2019 | Written by Bill Anderson
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

The onsite cutting and shaping of EPS board can result in lightweight polystyrene beads dropping on the floor and being blown around in windy conditions, this can result in a build up of these beads in flowerbeds and rainwater gullies, for example. The waste can build up quickly and scatter around a large area due to its lightweight nature making…

Reusable Bottles

Published 2 September 2019 | Written by Marilla King-Smith
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

We have launched new KpH Reusable Bottles at our Strip Out sites. The initiative came about as a result of the ‘Spotlight on… plastics and packaging’ learning toolkit (to assess how much single-use plastic we were producing on-site) and as part of our wider Waste Management Review. We asked our site at Bishopsgate to save their drinks bottles for two…

Expanded Polystyrene Recycling

Published 2 September 2019 | Written by Jake Phillips
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

When ENGIE was contracted to replace the cladding at Eyot House in Bermondsey, our commitment to be at the forefront of environmentally conscientious construction methods demanded a creative approach to recycling and repurposing the old expanded polystyrene (EPS) removed from the building. The existing EWI system comprised an insulation layer of expanded polystyrene (EPS) board, for which it was important…

Plastics and Packaging Actions: Creating Bird Feeders

Published 2 September 2019 | Written by Attracta Mathews
CategoriesPost completion impact report Promoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries

GRAHAM-BAM Healthcare Partnership recently hosted 14 girls aged 10–13 from the Women’s Tec Summer Scheme GIRLTEC Academy to raise awareness of environmental considerations in construction projects. The workshop formed part of a practical visit to the GBHP Royal Victoria Hospital site to encourage female pupils to consider future careers in construction. The visit included talks and hands on activities from…

Public Water Dispenser

Published 5 August 2019 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

This site has fitted a public water dispenser in a slot within the hoarding. There is also interesting information displayed on the importance of not using single-use plastics. The location of the water dispenser has been put on a national database, which uses an app, so members of the public can find it. The dispenser is also fed from the…

Reducing the Use of Single Use Plastics

Published 5 August 2019 | Written by Ushna Mughal
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

The project team have been the proud sponsor of the Urban Village Fete in North Greenwich since 2017. This fete draws on local suppliers, designers and performers, and provides a forum for top local talent for a community day full of stalls, music, DJs, dance, art and design workshops and food trucks with an international flavour. This year, in addition…

Re-usable Fabric Door Handle Covers

Published 24 June 2019 | Written by Mariyana Stoyanova
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

At South Quay Plaza we are committed to minimise our use of disposable plastics, following the CCS ‘Spotlight on… plastics and packaging’ learning toolkit. As part of this we have developed a plastics and packaging minimising strategy. Our latest initiative challenged us to review the different types of disposable plastic protection we use on site and find an alternative. A…

Environmentally Friendly Concrete Reinforcements

Published 29 May 2019 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesPost completion impact report Reduced use of single use plastics Spill prevention

This project mostly consists of repairs to the existing masonry walls, using a combination of concrete, structural grouts and mortars, and replacement stone blocks from a local quarry. Scour and erosion to the toe of wall is recognised as a potential source of weakness in the future, so concrete protection is proposed in two areas: the toe beam and the…

Turning Plastic into Eco Bricks

Published 29 May 2019 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

The site team wanted to contribute to reducing the use of single-use plastics and give a second life to something that otherwise would be thrown away. They achieved this by implementing a very simple solution, which consisted of re-using plastic bottles and packaging ready to be discarded, and turning them into Eco-Bricks. An Eco-Brick is a re-usable building block created…

Environmental Performance and Report

Published 21 May 2019 | Written by Luke Smith
CategoriesCarbon offsetting Carbon reduction Promoting achievements Reduced use of single use plastics Reporting actual vs target performance

The Wellington Place 7 and 8 project team, led by Dan Miller, has shown great leadership and professionalism by using their sphere of influence to achieve the environmental targets set at the beginning of the project. Highlights Include: 59% reduction in CO2 emissions from the following measures: 100% Renewable energy electricity supply, primary and secondary lighting circuits that reduce unnecessary…

Journey to Reducing the Impact of Packaging

Published 10 May 2019 | Written by Cintia Bailey
CategoriesPeriodic inspection and clean-up of boundaries Reduced use of single use plastics

Every year, countless crisp packets end up in landfill sites across the UK. To put an end to this enormous loss of resources and the unnecessary impact on the environment, The Crisp Packet Recycling Scheme was launched. On our M25 DBFO project, Connect Plus Services is joining forces with Highways England in the journey to reducing the impact of packaging….

Environmental Workshops: Saving Our Blue and Green Planet

Published 10 May 2019 | Written by Carol Kirby
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics Schools and nurseries

At Borras, we were looking for ideas to better engage with students within the schools that we work in. We touched upon the idea of developing an Environmental Workshop where the children could learn about how the construction industry is working towards sustainable development goals via a series of fun and hands-on learning activities. We have now developed a series…

Weatherproof Paper

Published 29 April 2019 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

The site has decided not to use laminated notices due to the fact that these cannot be recycled. Instead, all notices that would ordinarily be laminated are printed on paper that has recycled plastic within it. The sheets look like ordinary paper but have a similar consistency as new sterling notes. They are also recyclable. To find out more, click…

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme