Examples of best practice

Topic Progress:

The Scheme’s Best Practice Hub shares examples of construction industry best practice and innovation. There are a number of examples on the Hub of sites, companies and suppliers working to reduce their consumption of plastics and packaging.

Here are just a few examples of best practice:

  • Launching a single-use plastic reduction campaign across the business.
  • Holding a single-use plastics workshop to discuss the issue of plastic pollution.
  • Using re-usable metal stillages as an alternative to plastic packaging.
  • Replacing plastic tube mastic with foil tube mastic to prevent plastic waste.
  • Becoming free of single-use plastics in site canteens.
  • Using integrated closed loop recycling schemes for plastic and packaging materials.
  • Using a hard hat recycling scheme to prevent hard hats being disposed of to landfill.
  • Appointing a packaging waste champion to encourage operatives to reduce waste.
  • Providing colour coded waste skips to improve recycling and waste reduction.
  • Supplying pocket sized waste cards to all operatives to ensure compliance with waste regulations.

Read these examples in full by searching for ‘plastics and packaging’ on the Best Practice Hub.

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme