equality, diversity and inclusion

Spotlight on… equality, diversity and inclusion provides information and resources to highlight the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce and the benefits to employers, individuals and the wider community.

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‘Spotlight on… equality, diversity and inclusion’ provides information and resources to highlight the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce and the benefits to employers, individuals and the wider community.

Equality, diversity and inclusion are some of the biggest challenges faced by the construction industry. The industry should ensure that individuals from all backgrounds feel valued and supported as well as making those from outside the industry feel they are being welcomed into it. This will help to engage and recruit a more diverse workforce as well as helping to retain talent which will help with the industry’s skills shortage. Access to information and understanding can help drive behaviour change for the better, allowing for a far more inclusive working environment and workplace for all.

What is equality, diversity and inclusion?

Equality is defined as “Ensuring fair treatment and opportunity for all. It aims to eradicate prejudice and discrimination of an individual or group of individuals protected characteristics”.  Basically, equality of opportunity is about creating a level playing field on which everyone is treated fairly, purely based on their relevant abilities and needs.  Diversity is closely related to equality, but it is a much broader concept; It’s about recognising all forms of difference in individuals.  Inclusion then is about the ways we can embrace differences in order to create effective workplaces.

Increasingly comprehensive legislation has been introduced to help top people being treated unfairly based on a range of specific factors, known as protected characteristics.  The 2010 Equality Act consists of nine legally protected characteristics which are the key focus in both the ‘Spotlight on…’ awareness learning toolkit and this e-learning course. These protected characteristics are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or Belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

View definitions for these protected characteristics by Equality and Human Rights Commission here.

Considerate Constructors Scheme

The Scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice states that all registered organisations should value their workforce and provide a workplace where everyone is respected, treated fairly, encouraged and supported. The checklist used by Scheme Monitors asks the following questions:

  • Q3.1.3: How is the Registered Activity ensuring the workforce is treated fairly and with respect?
  • Q3.1.2: How is the Registered Activity planning and delivering learning and development to encourage construction as a career choice, improving representation from poorly represented groups?

To support this learning toolkit, the Scheme issued an industrywide survey which received more than 800 responses to gauge attitudes on this topic. Key findings include:

  • 86.3% believe that at least one of the protected characteristics could be a barrier to someone working in the construction industry.
  • Disability is seen as the protected characteristic with the biggest lack of diversity in the industry.
  • 73.1% have witnessed or been aware of someone being discriminated against due to their protected characteristic.
  • 45.1% of respondents said they believe there is a lack of inclusion in the industry.
  • 66.8% of respondents said the industry has got better at reaching out to and recruiting a more diverse workforce.
  • 72.4% of respondents said the industry would benefit from a more diverse workforce, however 59.1% do not believe there should be quotas for hiring a more balanced and diverse workforce.
  • 32.3% of respondents believed they were not successful for job applications due to their protected characteristic.

It is evident that although the industry is working towards supporting those with these protected characteristics, there is still more work to do to encourage a more equal, diverse and inclusive workforce. The following sections showcase examples of best practice and in-depth case studies, while the resources section brings together organisations that are addressing this within the construction industry.



Law and legislation

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Law and legislation

The following legislation establishes policies and regulations which have been put in place to ensure an equal, diverse and inclusive workforce exists.

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External resources

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External resources

There are a number of organisations and resources available to help the construction industry understand the issue of equality, diversity and inclusion.

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Examples of best practice

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Examples of best practice

The Scheme aims to raise standards in the construction industry by sharing examples of best practice with the industry. Below are a number of examples of best practice that have been witnessed by Scheme Monitors on their visits, or have been submitted directly to the Hub by registered organisations.

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Case studies

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Case studies

The Scheme has collaborated with various contractors and organisations which are leading the way on equality, diversity and inclusion to produce case studies outlining their approaches to this important issue.

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What can you do?

People are the most important resource to the construction industry, therefore it is imperative that the industry reconsiders the way it recruits new individuals as well as supporting and retaining those already in the industry.

Sites, companies and suppliers of all sizes can play their part to ensure the industry is an equal, diverse and inclusive place to work. Although some guidance may apply to larger organisations, there are suggestions applicable to all constructors which can be modified for their own purposes.

In this next section the learning toolkit aims to highlight the barriers for those represented by each protected characteristic and explains how the industry can improve and break down these barriers to become a more equal, diverse and inclusive industry.


Definition: A person belonging to a particular age or range of ages.

The Schemes’ equality, diversity and inclusion survey to construction industry professionals revealed that age was the biggest factor of the 2010 Equality Act’s protected characteristics as to why respondents felt they hadn’t got a job.

Barriers related to this protected characteristic:

  • Perception that there is little value in training older workers.
  • Bias that older individuals are not open to new approaches and learning new skills.
  • Employers not being willing to spend the time to train younger people to be high performing employees.

How can the industry improve?

  • Encouraging returnships for older workers which will help to stop the loss of vital talent from the industry.
  • Ensure the company has an Equality and Diversity Policy to ensure requirements of the 2010 Equality Act are implemented including providing equal and transparent recruitment, training and provision.
  • Providing adequate training on the job for employers to ensure those new to the industry or those in the latter stages of their career are brought up to speed with others to have an equal opportunity to succeed in the role.
  • As part of the recruitment process use blind CV’s which do not include any personal details such as gender, age or ethnicity so that those making recruitment decisions will only see the person’s work capabilities.
  • Encouraging an ‘open door’ policy to ensure those that may need support feel comfortable speaking about issues, without the fear of discrimination.

For advice and guidance on this protected characteristic, click here.


Definition: This is defined as having a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.  This encompasses a wide range of mobility, hearing, speech, vision and dexterity impairments as well as learning disabilities and difficulties and physical and mental health conditions.

The Scheme’s survey to construction industry professionals revealed that disability is seen as the protected characteristic that is the biggest barrier to someone working in the industry, as well as being seen as the protected characteristics with the least diversity in the industry.

Barriers related to this protected characteristic:

  • Employment opportunities only being advertised in formats that are not accessible to all.
  • Workplaces not being designed to accommodate disabled individuals.
  • Employers believing that disabled individuals are less productive, more likely to take long term sick leave or not stay in the job.
  • Employers believing disabled individuals are more expensive to recruit and train.
  • Employers being unaware of how to accommodate disabled people in the workplace.

How can the industry improve?

  • Encourage the workplace to be a supportive environment so employees feel able to speak up to receive the help and support they may need.
  • As far as is reasonably possible, ensure the workplace is accessible for those with disabilities such as wheelchair users.
  • Ensure job opportunities are advertised in formats that are accessible to all.
  • Ensure the company has an Equality and Diversity Policy to ensure requirements of the 2010 Equality Act are implemented including providing equal and transparent recruitment, training and provision.
  • Encouraging an ‘open door’ policy to ensure those that may need support feel comfortable speaking about issues, without the fear of discrimination.

The 2010 Equality Act includes a reasonable adjustment duty with three main requirements for employers to consider which are:

  1. The first requirement involves changing the way things are done for instance ensuring a disabled worker isn’t put at a substantial disadvantage by a provision, criterion or practice of the employer.
  2. The second requirement involves making changes to overcome barriers created by physical features of the workplace.
  3. The third requirement involves providing extra equipment or having someone to do something to assist a disable person.

When deciding whether an adjustment is reasonable, employers should consider how effective the change will be in avoiding the disadvantage the disabled worker would otherwise experience, as well as the practicality, cost, the organisation’s resources and size and the availability of financial support.

However due to the variety of disabilities and the physical nature of some construction roles, it will not be possible for some disabled individuals to carry out certain roles in the construction industry.

For advice and guidance on this protected characteristic, click here.

Gender Reassignment

Definition: Trans people who have changed – or intend to change – their gender from male to female or female to male. It is important to note that an individual does not need to have undergone any medical gender reassignment.

The Scheme’s survey to construction industry professionals revealed that the construction industry lacks diversity of those belonging to this protected characteristic. Sex and disability were the only protected characteristics with a higher lack of diversity.

Barriers related to this protected characteristic:

  • Lack of knowledge and education of this protected characteristic by those making recruitment decisions as well as those in the workplace.
  • The perception of construction as a “macho” male dominated industry.
  • General discrimination from those in the industry, making it difficult for trans people to disclose this to their employers or colleagues.

How can the industry improve?

  • Provide education to all levels of the organisation including operatives, management and those making recruitment decisions.
  • Ensure gender reassignment topics are more visible around the workplace through involvement with events such as LGBT Pride as well as displaying informative materials such as posters and leaflets.
  • Give individuals the choice and opportunity to include their pronouns on email signatures and business cards.
  • Ensuring adequate support is available to trans people.
  • Afford those who identify as male or female the right to use appropriate facilities or alternatively offer additional gender neutral facilities.
  • Encouraging an ‘open door’ policy to ensure those that may need support feel comfortable speaking about issues, without the fear of discrimination.

For advice and guidance on this protected characteristic, click here.

Marriage and Civil Partnership

Definition: Marriage is the union between a man and a woman or between a same-sex couple. Same-sex couples can also have their relationships legally recognised as a civil partnership. Civil partnerships should not be treated less favourably than married couples.

Barriers related to this protected characteristic:

  • The perception that those belonging to this protected characteristic are viewed as being more interested in family life than their career.
  • Individuals not being considered for promotion or development and training as they can be viewed as caring less about their career.
  • Working hours being inflexible which doesn’t fit to potential family commitments such as childcare.

How can the industry improve?

  • Provide opportunities for flexible working such as part-time roles, job shares, changeable hours of work and working from home.
  • Create initiatives that help facilitate individuals that are returning to work after starting a family.
  • Provide advice and guidance to the workforce on maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • Encourage an ‘open door’ policy to ensure those that may need support feel comfortable speaking about issues, without the fear of being discriminated against.

For advice and guidance on this protected characteristic, click here.

Pregnancy and Maternity

Definition: Pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby. Maternity refers to the period after birth. Protection against maternity discrimination is for 26 weeks after giving birth. What’s more, its’s unlawful for someone to be given less favourable terms of employment on returning to work after taking statutory maternity leave.

The Scheme’s survey to construction industry professionals revealed that pregnancy and maternity are the second biggest barrier after disability to someone working in the construction industry.

Barriers related to this protected characteristic:

  • Pregnant women often require additional support to carry out their role such as additional time off for appointments as well as a reduction in the physical aspect of the job which may not be afforded to them.
  • Some employers perceive pregnant women as not being dedicated to the role, which can lead to employers being less accommodating to pregnant staff.
  • Health and safety risks aren’t fully considered for those that are pregnant.
  • Individuals may not be considered for roles or promotions due to them being pregnant or due to go on maternity leave.

How can the industry improve?

  • Whilst an employee is pregnant as far as is reasonably possible the employee should be offered flexibility in their working hours to attend appointments.
  • Remain in regular contact with the individual while they are on maternity leave, to keep them up to date which will help with the transition back to work.
  • Have a company procedure for returning mothers to ensure they feel valued and welcomed back whilst also having processes in place to aid their return.
  • Involve the pregnant individual in the process of finding the appropriate person to cover their workload while they are on maternity leave.
  • Implement a return to work plan, which can help the employee to reintegrate following maternity leave allowing them to establish a new routine and get up to speed with changes that may have occurred while they were on maternity leave.
  • As far as is reasonably possible the partner of a pregnant individual should be offered flexibility in their working hours to attend appointments with their pregnant partner.
  • Encouraging an ‘open door’ policy to ensure those that may need support feel comfortable speaking about issues, without the fear of discrimination.

For advice and guidance on this protected characteristic, click here.


Definition: Race refers to a group of people with shared colour, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic origin or national origin. This includes Gypsy and Traveller groups.

The Scheme’s survey to construction industry professionals revealed that someone’s race is the second biggest reason after someone’s sex that individuals have witnessed or been aware of discrimination in the construction industry.

Barriers related to this protected characteristic:

  • Ethnic minority groups are underrepresented in the industry therefore individuals from these backgrounds find it difficult to see themselves in a role they don’t see others like them doing.
  • Those carrying out the recruitment are accustomed to a certain type of person carrying out construction roles and therefore unconscious bias may lead them to continue recruiting those from the traditional construction workforce’s background.
  • Recruitment can often be done by word of mouth in the industry which is at the detriment of employing a diverse workforce.
  • Those from ethnic minority backgrounds having a preconception that the construction industry is not welcoming to them.

How can the industry improve?

  • Use of a standardised interviewing approach with pre-planned questions and a marking system.
  • Ensure the recruitment process is carried out by a diverse recruitment panel and that those in these positions have been adequately trained.
  • As part of the recruitment process use blind CV’s which do not include any personal details such as gender, age or ethnicity so that those making recruitment decisions will only see the person’s work capabilities.
  • If using a recruitment organisation ensure that they are one which promotes diversity.
  • Encourage teambuilding events amongst the workforce to aid integration into the team, to help retain the best talent.
  • Champion those from ethnic minority backgrounds to show others from these backgrounds that the construction industry is an inclusive place to work.
  • Encouraging an ‘open door’ policy to ensure those that may need support feel comfortable speaking about issues, without the fear of discrimination.

For advice and guidance on this protected characteristic, click here.

Religion and belief

Definition: Religion refers to any religion, including a lack of religion. Belief refers to any religious or philosophical belief and includes a lack of belief. Generally a belief should affect your life choices or the way you live for it to be included in the definition.

The Scheme’s survey to construction industry professionals revealed that of the nine protected characteristics, religion or belief was the fifth highest reason individuals feel they haven’t got a job in the industry as well as being the fifth highest reason that respondents had witnessed or been aware of discrimination in the workplace.

Barriers related to this protected characteristic:

  • Employers not allowing individuals leave for religious reasons.
  • Religious dress not being seen as meeting the dress code requirements of a construction site.
  • Individuals feeling unable to participate in social events due to their religious beliefs for instance if alcohol is involved.
  • Nowhere for individuals to practice religious prayer at the workplace.
  • Physical jobs can be more difficult for those fasting due to their religion.

How can the industry improve?

  • As far as is reasonably possible, employees should be accommodating to an individual’s religious dress as long as it isn’t a health and safety risk.
  • Provide a quiet area or room for individuals to pray and practice their religion.
  • Ensure all employees are educated on the religions and beliefs of others on the project to ensure ignorance is minimised and understanding is improved.
  • Monitor and adjust if necessary the workloads of those carrying out physical work whilst they are fasting due to their religious beliefs.
  • Arrange social events that are inclusive to all to promote inclusivity and to fully integrate those with religious beliefs into the team.
  • Encouraging an ‘open door’ policy to ensure those that may need support feel comfortable speaking about issues, without the fear of discrimination.

For advice and guidance on this protected characteristic, click here.


Definition: This is defined as a man or woman. Everyone has the right to be treated fairly and not to suffer any form of less favourable treatment on the basis of their sex.

The Scheme’s survey to construction industry professionals revealed that sex was the biggest reason for discrimination they have witnessed or been aware of, sex was also the second highest reason respondents felt they haven’t got a job in the construction industry.

Barriers related to this protected characteristic:

  • The preconception that the construction industry is an all-male environment where the only jobs involve manual labour.
  • Inadequate working conditions without separate and equal welfare facilities.
  • Inflexible and long working hours.
  • Lack of promotion of the industry to women as a career choice from a young age.

How can the industry improve?

  • Ensure that all projects have adequate separate and equal welfare facilities for both men and women as well as providing appropriate PPE for women.
  • As far as is reasonably possible enable flexible working hours for those with childcare and caring responsibilities.
  • Engage with the younger generation to promote the industry to young women and inform them of the wide variety of roles available in the industry.
  • Ensure the organisation has a zero tolerance policy on sexism and harassment as well as an ‘open door’ policy to encourage all workers to report inappropriate behaviour.
  • Ensure the recruitment process does not create barriers through unconscious bias by using traditionally masculine words such as ‘strong’ in job descriptions.
  • Read the Scheme’s ‘Spotlight on… women in construction’ learning toolkit whilst also encouraging those in the industry to take the Scheme’s ‘Women in construction’ e-learning course.
  • Encouraging an ‘open door’ policy to ensure those that may need support feel comfortable speaking about issues, without the fear of discrimination.

For advice and guidance on this protected characteristic, click here.

Sexual orientation

Definition: This is defined as to whether a person’s sexual attraction is towards their own sex, the opposite sex or to both sexes. The law protects people from being treated less favourable on grounds of their sexual orientation, whether that’s because they are heterosexual, gay, lesbian or bisexual.

The Scheme’s survey to construction industry professionals revealed that sexual orientation is the protected characteristic with the fourth biggest lack of diversity in the construction industry and the fourth biggest reason for discrimination respondents have witnessed or been aware of.

Barriers related to this protected characteristic:

  • The perception that the construction industry is not an inclusive workplace due to offensive language that may be heard.
  • Lack of education of appropriate language in the industry and information on what is acceptable.
  • Individuals not feeling comfortable to be open about their sexual orientation on site.

How can the industry improve?

  • Provide training for those in leadership positions to facilitate awareness and understanding as well as providing tools to ensure an inclusive environment, with a focus on language and how to challenge problematic behaviour.
  • Education on appropriate language amongst the workforce to promote inclusion.
  • Ensuring sexual orientation topics are more visible around the workplace through involvement with events such as Pride LGBT as well as displaying informative materials such as posters and leaflets.
  • Communicate and enforce a code of conduct with policies being reinforced by sanctions on offending individuals.
  • Communicating with LGBT+ individuals to understand their experiences and issues they may face and how, if necessary, support can be provided.
  • Encouraging an ‘open door’ policy to ensure those that may need support feel comfortable speaking about issues, without the fear of discrimination.

For advice and guidance on this protected characteristic, click here.

This learning toolkit has shown that the construction industry is making progress towards becoming a more equal, diverse and inclusive place to work through the case studies and best practice examples featured. However, the industry must now continue to make a long term commitment to tackle perceptions and change industry practices to ensure construction becomes a truly inclusive industry.

As well as the information above, it is also advised to use resources provided in the ‘External Resources’ section which identify information from other organisations and companies.

The Scheme will continue to update this learning toolkit as new case studies and examples of how the industry is tackling this issue are identified. If you would like to share how your organisation helps to encourage a more equal, diverse and inclusive industry, please contact the Scheme by emailing enquiries@ccsbestpractice.org.uk.

Date published: June 8 2021
Last updated: 
January 29 2025

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Examples of best practice

The Scheme aims to raise standards in the construction industry by sharing examples of best practice with the industry. Below are a number of examples of best practice that have been witnessed by Scheme Monitors on their visits, or have been submitted directly to the Hub by registered organisations.

Safety Alerts Narrated to Assist Neurodiversity

Published 7 October 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Coaching for unsafe actions Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs Health risk assessments and monitoring Hidden disabilities support Lessons learned Near miss Sharing of safety alerts
CategoriesCoaching for unsafe actions Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs Health risk assessments and monitoring Hidden disabilities support Lessons learned Near miss Sharing of safety alerts

This contractor distributes weekly lessons learnt and safety outcomes across the business to ensure that we are improving as an industry. These communications cover recent activities which have taken place and distribute information on how to implement best safety practice and avoid near misses. From internal workforce feedback, they have implemented a system which narrates these lessons learnt, and safety…

Women’s PPE Roadshow

Published 12 March 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Engagement and commitment from the workforce PPE
CategoriesEngagement and commitment from the workforce PPE

This contractor worked with their suppliers to arrange a ‘try on’ event for the women’s PPE range. This gave female colleagues the opportunity to try out the range on offer in a variety of sizes to ensure a comfortable fit and order what they required on the day. Providing properly fitting, comfortable PPE in women’s sizes, is an important way…

Site Set Up Manual including PPE for Female Workers

Published 12 March 2024 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories PPE

With an increasing female workforce, this contractor have included within their site set up manual, PPE available to sites from their partners provider. The provider ensure that ‘Caddick selected’ PPE are in stock for call off when needed. This includes female sizes which are a better fit for the female members of the workforce.

AI Briefing System

Published 4 December 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs Induction and training
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs Induction and training

This contractor employed the Synthesia AI avatar system to voice over in house videos using  3D modelled images and animations to visually communicate a variety of systems to the workforce. This is an AI avatar system that can voice over any animated document developed by simply typing the text into the system. The system allows you to choose from over…

Inclusive PPE in Construction

Published 21 November 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support PPE
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support PPE

The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), Construction Management Magazine and CIOB People have launched a new campaign to address the lack of inclusive PPE in construction. They brought together a panel of experts to hear their experiences of badly fitting PPE, why it is dangerous and what needs to change. The current shortcomings in PPE provision are nothing new for…

Supporting Adults with Learning Difficulties into the industry

Published 10 October 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Community engagement Engage with community facilities Local employment
CategoriesCommunity engagement Engage with community facilities Local employment

This contractor is working with a supported employment agency to welcome two new members of the team with learning disabilities. They have a work coach to support them with their daily activities on the work placement. There is significant evidence that there is an untapped market of unemployed people with additional learning needs or learning disability that want to enter…

Multi Language Code of Considerate Practice Board

Published 10 October 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support English not as first language support Literacy and numeracy support Posters
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support English not as first language support Literacy and numeracy support Posters

The construction industry consists of workers who are from all over the world and may not speak English, in order to help their workers and contractors understand and absorb the Code of Considerate Practice they created a language board. This helped them to explain and engage all workers with the Scheme as there were no language difficulties preventing them from…

Women’s Prison Accredited Employability Support

Published 12 September 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Engage with community facilities Local employment Promoting construction as a career choice
CategoriesEngage with community facilities Local employment Promoting construction as a career choice

Prison programmes within construction tend to be aimed at male prisoners, however this was different. The contractor provided accredited ‘Be Your Best’ employability sessions to residents of the Bella Centre in Dundee, Scotland’s first community custody unit for females, to help them prepare for release. The programme helps women with personal evaluation, job searching and networking, writing a CV, personal…

Neurodiversity Mentoring

Published 26 July 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Health risk assessments and monitoring Hidden disabilities support
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Health risk assessments and monitoring Hidden disabilities support

The Senior Construction Manager on this project offers neurodiversity mentoring to colleagues in the industry. They provide individual support and guidance to those with neurodiversity conditions, such as autism, ADHD, or dyslexia. They holds monthly 1 to 1 sessions to provide support whilst going through the diagnosis process, advice on the reasonable adjustments the company should consider and their legal…

Female Comfort Boxes

Published 16 January 2023 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Sanitary bins Suitable/accessible separate facilities Supply of free sanitary products Toilets
CategoriesSanitary bins Suitable/accessible separate facilities Supply of free sanitary products Toilets

After recently carrying out some research into female site welfare standards, one suggestion was to provide ‘comfort boxes’ in the female toilets. Alongside enhancing their minimum standards for toilet facilities following feedback from their employees and visiting clients, they also teamed up with Grace and Green who provide sustainable sanitary solutions that are not only plastic free, but organic and…

Supporting a Diverse Workforce

Published 21 October 2022 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs

Recently a colleague on this project began the process of transitioning from female to male. The contractor worked to normalise the fact they were transitioning. The social value manager had conversation with them to find out what they needed from the contractor as a team to support them, as the situation new to both them and the team. They were…

Menopause Action Group

Published 21 October 2022 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services EDI/FIR training Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services EDI/FIR training Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs

This contractor has set-up a Menopause Action Group, recognising that for many people who experience the menopause that it can have huge impacts on their personal and professional lives. The group aims to raise awareness both in work and at home including for men who have partners going through the same. They have implemented specific measures to support their people…

Equal Parenthood Policies

Published 21 October 2022 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs Supported by management
CategoriesFacilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs Supported by management

This contractor has implemented industry-leading equal parenthood policies. All employees (any gender) will have access to 6 months parental leave on full pay, followed by 13 weeks half pay (applicable to those people with a due date from first week in October) – regardless of how they become parents, including birth, adoption or surrogacy. There is a new phased return…

Lovell Partnerships – Investing in a Sustainable Workforce

Published 4 May 2022 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs

On the Best Practice Hub we have published case study videos detailing how the registered activity have worked to become more inclusive, and the benefits of increasing the diversity of their workforce This case study from Lovell Partnerships, delivered by Nicola Schneider, Community Relations Manager details how they are investing in a sustainable workforce to make their organisation a great…

Morgan Sindall – Work Experience and it’s Positive Impact on the Diversity of the Entry Level Talent Pipeline

Published 4 May 2022 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs

On the Best Practice Hub we have published case study videos detailing how the registered activity have worked to become more inclusive, and the benefits of increasing the diversity of their workforce This case study from Morgan Sindall, delivered by Mike Little, Head of Social Value details how work experience has had a positive impact on the diversity of their…

Combatting Period Poverty

Published 20 December 2021 | No comments
Written by Debbie Plavinskas
Categories Sanitary bins Supply of free sanitary products
CategoriesSanitary bins Supply of free sanitary products

This contractor believe all women should have access to sanitary products during their period however, there are many women who are experiencing period poverty and are unable to access or afford them. These women have no choice but to use rags, socks, or even newspaper to manage their menstruation, making them vulnerable to disease. This project team decided to make…

Disability Caused by Works Forum

Published 24 November 2021 | No comments
Written by Michael Barratt MBE
Categories Disability and special needs facilities Identify potential impacted communities Visitor access and facilities
CategoriesDisability and special needs facilities Identify potential impacted communities Visitor access and facilities

The Equality Act 2010: ‘We have a duty not to substantially disadvantage a disabled person in relation to a non-disabled person’ and to make reasonable adjustments to supply access where practicable. As a public body, Transport for London (TfL) must comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). This part of the Equality Act 2010 requires public bodies and organisations…

Gender Neutral Washrooms

Published 25 October 2021 | No comments
Written by Conor O'Brien
Categories Sanitary bins Toilets
CategoriesSanitary bins Toilets

In recent years, society has made huge strides towards gender equality. However, deciding which bathroom to use is a common problem for people who identify as transgender. Gender neutral washrooms are seen as far more inclusive for transgender individuals. Therefore this contractor has implemented gender neutral washrooms that are lockable self contained units which provide dignity and privacy. Each unit…

Breast Feeding Friendly Site

Published 25 October 2021 | No comments
Written by Shannon Dawe
Categories Suitable/accessible separate facilities
CategoriesSuitable/accessible separate facilities

On this site they have pregnant women or mothers present, therefore they have recognised a private space was needed to pump in private to keep up their supply therefore they dedicated a private nursing room for use by the project team and visitors, with a range of appropriate facilities as a minimum standard. The facilities provided include a comfy chair,…

3 Point Plan for Women’s Welfare

Published 4 October 2021 | No comments
Written by Lucy Austin
Categories Sanitary bins
CategoriesSanitary bins

This contractor implemented a 3 Point Plan to support women’s wellbeing at work. This plan focused on domestic violence, period dignity and self-defence to create a safer environment both in and out of the workplace. This is especially poignant as domestic abuse reports significantly rose during lockdown & in 2020 it was reported that 55% of women were sexually harassed…

Talking Newsletter for the Visually Impaired

Published 27 September 2021 | No comments
Written by Owen Winters
Categories Advance notice of disruptive works E-learning Regular updates of progress
CategoriesAdvance notice of disruptive works E-learning Regular updates of progress

This project has a large amount of interaction with members of the public. While the usual visual aids in the form of signage and barriers along with printed newsletters and information boards are suitable for the majority of people, they are of little benefit to those who are visually impaired. Through pre-start site visits it was apparent that there were…

Gender Equality Workshop

Published 27 September 2021 | No comments
Written by Lucy Austin
Categories Consultation Feedback
CategoriesConsultation Feedback

To promote sustainable employment, a Women’s Network was established to enable locally recruited women to discuss key issues such as health, gender equality and celebrate International Women’s Day. The local women’s network provides the environment to enable women to not feel alone in a male dominated industry A recent outcome has been the creation of an interactive gender equality workshop…

Making Websites Accessible to all

Published 31 August 2021 | No comments
Written by Andrew Kinsey
Categories English not as first language support
CategoriesEnglish not as first language support

Nearly one in five people have some form of physical, visual, auditory, cognitive, or neurological disabilities that could affect their ability to access information online the same way as other people. They may struggle with: Focusing on relevant sections of text The font, text size, or spacing of the text Poor colour contrasts between background and foreground Distractions presented by…

Veterans Committee

Published 16 August 2021 | No comments
Written by Cara McAinsh
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Engagement and commitment from the workforce
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Engagement and commitment from the workforce

This contractor has a family of veterans working within the business including a group of ex-armed forces and ex-‘blue’ light service personnel who have landed in the construction industry one way or another. In order to support each other to the very best of their abilities, their Veterans Committee was formed. The Chairman and Vice Chairman are both ex-army, and…

Flexible Working

Published 16 August 2021 | No comments
Written by Shauna Young
Categories Flexible working
CategoriesFlexible working

This contractor has long recognised there is a need to design more flexible roles and career pathways within construction. This has been accentuated by the pandemic, the increasing skills gap and competition for scarce talent. Consequently, the contractor has introduced a flexible working pilot on on of their sites. They have adopted new measures to ensure their staff return to…

English Lessons and Other Qualifications for Speakers of Other Languages

Published 16 August 2021 | No comments
Written by Wally Alvarez
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support English not as first language support Literacy and numeracy support Modern slavery training Training plans
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support English not as first language support Literacy and numeracy support Modern slavery training Training plans

This contractor have been working collaboratively with Lambeth College and London South Bank University (LSBU), to pilot a  programme which aims to upskill diverse members of their workforce who are foreign and often struggle with the English language, providing them with the opportunity to learn and feel more comfortable engaging with other people on site. This voluntary course will also…

Prison Leavers Academy

Published 26 July 2021 | No comments
Written by Rita Miller
Categories Community engagement Disadvantaged and minority groups support Training plans
CategoriesCommunity engagement Disadvantaged and minority groups support Training plans

This contractor is working on a the new prison Leicestershire for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) as part of their new prison transformation programme. The MoJ have set Social Value KPI’s focusing on supporting prison leavers into employment. At this project the target is to create 100 jobs through the project with 25% of these to be for prison leavers…

Binny Sanitary Bins

Published 19 July 2021 | No comments
Written by Richie Dawson
Categories Sanitary bins Toilets
CategoriesSanitary bins Toilets

This contractor trialled sanitary waste disposal from Binny. They Dispose of all sanitary and personal waste, are fully compliant with all legislation including HSE, EA and DOH and significantly reduces sanitary bin carbon footprint and cost savings. Using this system removes the need for sanitary bin suppliers and contracts. To find out more, click the link below.

Pride LGBTQ+ Helmet Stickers

Published 12 July 2021 | No comments
Written by Bruno Tiosso
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Supported by management
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Supported by management

In order to celebrate Pride Month, the contractor team on this project have provide Pride LGBTQ+ helmet stickers. Additional to this the contractor showed support to those celebrating Pride Month with banners placed at the vehicle gates and small flags were distributed to office workers.

Promoting Pride Month

Published 21 June 2021 | No comments
Written by John Cairns
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Supported by management
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Supported by management

The project team at this contractor participated in raising awareness of Pride Month through flying the Rainbow Flag on site. Flying the flag showed the contractor are supportive and inclusive of those celebrating Pride Month.

Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Ambassadors

Published 21 June 2021 | No comments
Written by Kiu Tran
Categories EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce
CategoriesEDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce

This project has appointed three Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Ambassadors as they are committed to ensuring every person feels included and celebrated. They do this through their site inductions where they reinforce their  commitment to inclusion and a no-tolerance approach to discrimination of any sort. They celebrate different cultures and beliefs through regular events and raise awareness of issues and…

Inclusive Workforce Board Game

Published 20 May 2021 | No comments
Written by Lucy Austin
Categories Consultation

This contractor has implemented an inclusion workshop featuring the interactive board game ‘Equally Yours’ on their projects. The game required participation from 24 volunteers which were split into two groups of 12 with the session held on Microsoft Teams. Participants included staff from various disciplines to ensure that the participants accurately represented the team. Launching in conjunction with International Women’s…

Farrans DNA Initiative

Published 20 May 2021 | No comments
Written by Clare Taylor
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training

DNA – Diversify/Nurture/Accept. DNA is an initiative developed by three people within the contractor. It is a network aimed at all the protected characteristic groups (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation), with the goal to build meaningful support networks to inspire and empower people so that they can…

Personal Safety Conversation Cards

Published 26 April 2021 | No comments
Written by Leanna Martin
Categories Zero tolerance approach to harassment
CategoriesZero tolerance approach to harassment

After the tragic murder of Sarah Everard, recent campaigns, vigils, media spotlights, and focus on harassment and violence; this contractor have created a number of new safety conversation starter cards. These have been used as an aid to help open up conversations with the teams regarding personal safety, women’s safety and diversity. By having the conversations, it has made operatives…

Ethical Labour Practices and Human Rights Webinar

Published 26 April 2021 | No comments
Written by Lucy Wainwright
Categories Modern slavery training
CategoriesModern slavery training

The project Team marked International Human Rights Day by hosting a live webinar with guest speaker Annabel Short, Senior Advisor of the Built Environment for the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB). The webinar was open to all staff as well as clients, consultants and supply chain partners. The discussion covered what human rights mean in practice in the…

Promotion for National Inclusion Week

Published 12 October 2020 | No comments
Written by John Cairns
Categories EDI/FIR training
CategoriesEDI/FIR training

As part of promotion for National Inclusion Week during the week of 28 September 2020, Balfour Beatty published a video to share staff views on what inclusion means to them. This helps to raise awareness of inclusion and diversity within the workplace and the role we all play in creating an inclusive culture. Watch the video below.

Eliminating Everyday Sexism

Published 12 October 2020 | No comments
Written by Zoe Gargan
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce

Lendlease is passionate about encouraging a diverse workforce into construction. At Potato Wharf we embrace diversity in the workforce and as part of this we delivered an everyday sexism presentation to the workforce. This went down very well and encouraged conversations within the workforce about what is acceptable conduct and the impact of our actions. This formed part of a…

Using Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Drivers with Construction Trainees

Published 7 September 2020 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Continuing professional development Engagement and commitment from the workforce
CategoriesContinuing professional development Engagement and commitment from the workforce

Adopting educational teaching methodology for construction trainees using Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) drivers as a guiding principle for the training framework developed with liaison with teaching professionals. This is part of the curriculum being adapted to use in the training of apprentices and for the development of an improved mental health culture on site. The principle consists of: Social:…

Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Ambassador

Published 1 September 2020 | No comments
Written by Denise Southard
Categories EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce Supported by management
CategoriesEDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce Supported by management

Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR) Ambassadors promote a culture of Fairness, Inclusion and Respect within the organisation in which they work. They are expected to embody the principles of FIR: work collaboratively, whilst stepping in to take action, challenge behaviours and positively impact workplace culture. The project team have signed up to the Fairness, Inclusion and Respect commitments and they…

Let’s Educate Ourselves

Published 2 July 2020 | No comments
Written by Ashleigh Lang
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Engagement and commitment from the workforce Supported by management
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Engagement and commitment from the workforce Supported by management

At the Broadway our wellness programme includes a section on ‘keep learning’. With so many critical subjects at the moment, we have started a “Lets Educate Ourselves” campaign and this is now filtered to the whole business, through the project Senior Office Manager and the companies Digital Content Lead and Social Sustainability Manager. We aim to cover a subject every…

TfL Valuing People Workshop: Working with Adults with Learning Disabilities

Published 8 April 2020 | No comments
Written by Michael Barratt MBE
Categories Disability and special needs facilities Disadvantaged and minority groups support Hidden disabilities support
CategoriesDisability and special needs facilities Disadvantaged and minority groups support Hidden disabilities support

Transport for London (TfL) have adopted the Healthy Streets Approach to improve air quality, reduce congestion and help make London’s diverse communities greener, healthier and more attractive places to live, work, play and do business. The vision for Equality and Inclusion is that every person matters in keeping London moving, working and growing. The Equality Act (2010) places a duty…

Presenting the Opportunities Available to Women in Construction

Published 23 March 2020 | No comments
Written by James Morfitt
Categories Plan to positively promote construction Support for careers advice
CategoriesPlan to positively promote construction Support for careers advice

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Kelly Sowden and Sophie Dick hosted a presentation at Temple Moor High School in Leeds to Year 11 students, to promote engineering roles and role for women in engineering. They discussed the different types of engineering and how John Sisk & Son aim to increase the number of women they hire into the industry. Gender…

FREDIE Notice Board

Published 9 March 2020 | No comments
Written by Owen Winters
Categories English not as first language support Mental health Notice board Wellbeing events
CategoriesEnglish not as first language support Mental health Notice board Wellbeing events

As part of being accredited as Leaders in Diversity, we have set up a notice board on site to promote the values of FREDIE: Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement. A FREDIE calendar highlights events throughout the year, such as Mental Health Awareness Week, Black History Month, Pride and Time to Talk Day. There is also a Wellbeing Calendar…

Learning a language with Duolingo

Published 18 November 2019 | No comments
Written by Mariyana Stoyanova
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support English not as first language support Workforce recognition programmes
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support English not as first language support Workforce recognition programmes

At South Quay Plaza (SQP), we value the diversity of our workforce and inclusivity is important to us, therefore a number of Berkeley Managers have embarked on a mission to learn the basics of a language which is common on site using Duolingo. Even simple phrases such as ‘hello’, ‘good morning’ and ‘how are you’ have made a positive impact…

Achieving ‘Investors in Diversity’ (IiD) Standard

Published 18 November 2019 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Zero tolerance approach to harassment
CategoriesZero tolerance approach to harassment

This company’s vision for FREDIE (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement) is to create an industry-leading culture with inclusive and inspiring workplaces. They will embed FREDIE principles into all areas of their business which will transform how they work with their people, customers and communities and supply chain. Galliford Try Highways has been conditionally awarded the Investors in Diversity…

Monthly Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Toolbox Talks

Published 10 September 2019 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Consultation Disadvantaged and minority groups support Feedback
CategoriesConsultation Disadvantaged and minority groups support Feedback

All site and office based staff complete a monthly toolbox talk about equality, diversity and inclusion. Themes have included disability, LGBT+ and religion. To date, 1500 members of the team have participated. Videos, games, quizzes and presentations are just some of the formats used to date. Tool Box Talks have taken us from 4% to 80% Equality Diversity Inclusion training…

Incorporating Disability Equality into Construction

Published 27 August 2019 | No comments
Written by Michael Barratt MBE
Categories Disability and special needs facilities Visitor access and facilities
CategoriesDisability and special needs facilities Visitor access and facilities

Transport for London (TfL) have adopted the Healthy Streets Approach to improve air quality, reduce congestion and help make London’s diverse communities greener, healthier and more attractive places to live, work and enjoy. The vision for equality and inclusion is that every person matters in keeping London moving, working and growing. TfL also recognises the role of transport in improving…

Supporting Belfast Pride

Published 5 August 2019 | No comments
Written by Sinead Gorman
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support

Belfast Pride Festival is one of the biggest festivals in the city and runs over 100 events across 10 days. The festival runs from Friday 26th July until Sunday 4th August (Pride Day) and the centrepiece Pride Parade on Saturday 3rd August with many local businesses and community groups taking part. The Belfast Pride Parade is the biggest cross community…

Gender Equality Video

Published 22 July 2019 | No comments
Written by Manjeeta Pathak
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support

The construction industry lacks diversity. There are various diversity issues within the industry and there have been various attempts to tackle the issue. Gender disparity has been one of the diversity issues, as the construction industry is still predominantly male dominated. Changes take time, especially attitude changes. The unconscious biases exist in the industry and the changes in construction industry…

Culturally Diverse Welfare Facilities

Published 24 June 2019 | No comments
Written by Alan Cawley
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Toilets
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Toilets

To ensure that cultural diversity is catered for on the BioCork 2 site, a ‘squat toilet’ was installed. The Carpenter on site made a carcass for the squat toilet to be encased. A waterproof anti-slip covering was then installed. The unit then was plumbed in and a hose was installed in case users may not use toilet paper. Earlier in…

Equality and Diversity Policy Template

Published 21 May 2019 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support

The Considerate Constructors Scheme has produced an equality and diversity policy, for contractors to use on site or in the workplace in general. This is aimed at ensuring no-one is discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality or disability, in line with the Equality Act 2010. Please be aware that this Scheme document has been…

Providing ‘Period Dignity’ within the Construction Industry

Published 21 January 2019 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Sanitary bins Suitable/accessible separate facilities Supply of free sanitary products Toilets
CategoriesSanitary bins Suitable/accessible separate facilities Supply of free sanitary products Toilets

Over the past few years, the construction industry has been trying to improve the diversity of the workforce by encouraging more women into the industry. However, as the industry is still fairly male orientated, there is still a risk that welfare facilities and toilets may not be suitable for female members of staff (for example there may not be clean/…

Intercity Best Practice Sharing

Published 21 December 2018 | No comments
Written by Michael Barratt MBE
Categories Community consultation Community engagement Engage with community facilities Planning of traffic routes Reviews and lessons learned
CategoriesCommunity consultation Community engagement Engage with community facilities Planning of traffic routes Reviews and lessons learned

Discussions have been taking place between Transport for London (TfL) and Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) on ‘all inclusive’ approaches to diversity and inclusion at roadworks. TfL are presently trialling alternative methods at two major works sites, Old Street and Highbury Corner which involves working closer with local communities and disability groups to better understand their challenges. Subsequently, BHCC…

Inclusive Workforce

Published 4 December 2018 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support

This site is the best performing joint venture (out of the seven working for HS2) in terms of equality, diversity and inclusion. Notable achievements include workforce representation with 42% of workers are women, 16% are ethnically diverse and 10% are disabled. The site has been given an AA rating in terms of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the entire…

Celebrating Diversity by Celebrating Nationalities

Published 4 December 2018 | No comments
Written by Nick Wicks
Categories Canteen Disadvantaged and minority groups support Engagement and commitment from the workforce
CategoriesCanteen Disadvantaged and minority groups support Engagement and commitment from the workforce

At 48 Carey Street, Multiplex decided to demonstrate its commitment to respecting diversity by celebrating the national days of the home countries of everyone working on site. On that day, their country’s flag is flown in the canteen, and traditional food from that country is prepared. ‘Inclusion’ posters have been posted around the site, proudly displaying the site team that…

Supporting Cultural Diversity on Site

Published 29 November 2018 | No comments
Written by Sean Seal
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Suitable/accessible separate facilities Toilets
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Suitable/accessible separate facilities Toilets

In considering cultural issues, the site has provided an adapted toilet cubicle and WC pan which may be used by certain cultures where squatting is the norm rather than sitting. This cubicle can also be used by people with a disability due to the size and extra handholds in place. This can be replicated on sites, which anticipate a mixed…

Women’s Network and LGBT+ Support Group

Published 13 September 2018 | No comments
Written by Jack Lawrence
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support

Costain Skanska JV  have established a Women’s Network and LGBT+ Support Group for all members of staff on the project, including supply chain. Both groups are chaired by Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champions. The groups now have a combined membership of 45 people. The Women’s Network specifically supports women in the industry and those returning to work. The LGBT+ Network…

Creating a Culture of Inclusion

Published 5 January 2018 | No comments
Written by Darren Peck
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support

Mace have made a targeted effort to ensure that Mace has a culture of inclusion. Mace senior leadership have attended the 2017 London pride event dressed in full Mace PPE. Mace senior leaders have also donned rainbow laces in support of external LGBT groups. Mace also promoted LGBT at their first launch event, which took place at the global HQ….

PPE for Muslim Women

Published 6 October 2017 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support PPE Workforce dress code
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support PPE Workforce dress code

Personal Protective Equipment is necessary on a construction site and all personnel should be able to wear it regardless of their gender or religious background. See the examples below for how one site developed inclusive PPE: Muslim women often commit to dress modestly in Hijab or Burka, which can come into conflict with PPE requirements. A Muslim female employee decided…

International Women in Engineering Day

Published 18 September 2017 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Promoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Promoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries

International Women in Engineering Day is an annual event organised by the Women’s Engineering Society to promote career opportunities and celebrate successful female engineers. To celebrate this day on your site you could consider: Attending and presenting at a Women in Engineering event. Conducting a visit to a local school to promote engineering careers to young women and men. Encourage…

Female PPE Initiative

Published 29 August 2017 | No comments
Written by Steve Caucutt
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support PPE
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support PPE

Women who work for BAM Nuttall are being supplied with workwear designed specifically for them. After a series of trials on a number of its sites in London, Leeds, Newcastle and Scotland, the company is rolling out a range of work clothing nationwide that is specifically designed for women. Working with workwear manufacturer Arco, BAM Nuttall has commissioned polo shirts,…

International Women’s Day

Published 7 March 2017 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Plan to positively promote construction
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Plan to positively promote construction

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. To support International Women’s Day on your site, you could do the following: Support and participate in ‘Women in Construction’ events; Have a robust equality and diversity policy ensuring men and women are treated equally; Visit the ‘International Women’s Day’ website to view resources…

Cultural Diversity

Published 29 November 2016 | No comments
Written by Gary Long
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support English not as first language support Suitable/accessible separate facilities
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support English not as first language support Suitable/accessible separate facilities

To support an ever growing cultural diversity amongst our workforce, we have adopted simple provisions to make sure everybody feels welcome and are able to make a positive contribution to the project. Our site is not the biggest, but we have been able to accommodate a prayer room in one of the smaller offices and at selected times of the…

IiD Handbook

Published 13 September 2016 | No comments
Written by Andrew Sharp
Categories EDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce
CategoriesEDI/FIR training Engagement and commitment from the workforce

We recognise that by having a diverse and inclusive workforce, we can make our place of work a great place to be. By raising awareness of being inclusive we can promote a culture which will further harness the unique skills, characteristics and experience which we have to offer. To do this we have established an Investors in Diversity steering group…

Improving Communications for Foreign Workers

Published 2 August 2016 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Suitable/accessible separate facilities Toilets
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Suitable/accessible separate facilities Toilets

It is important to provide the appropriate facilities and environment for foreign workers. Facilitating the foreign workforce is important in providing and encouraging equality and diversity within the industry. It is also beneficial towards increasing productivity if the workforce can work more efficiently together. One site demonstrated this through the below examples: The contractor retained approximately 30 Asian Muslim operatives on concrete…

Supporting Employees Affected by Cancer

Published 3 June 2016 | No comments
Written by Michelle Rouse
Categories Access to health practitioners and counselling services Positive leadership and risk ownership
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Positive leadership and risk ownership

Every year, almost 120,000 people of working age are diagnosed with cancer in the UK – a figure set to rise with survival rates improving and people retiring later. Consequently cancer has become a long-term condition, and therefore is rapidly becoming a more regular area for HR and line managers to manage in the workplace. Cancer and its treatments affect…

Bullying in the Workplace: ACAS

Published 3 February 2016 | No comments
Written by Jack Endean
Categories Consultation Supported by management Zero tolerance approach to harassment
CategoriesConsultation Supported by management Zero tolerance approach to harassment

It is vitally important to provide a supportive and caring work environment, where all employees feel respected and fairly treated. A platform to enable staff to voice their concerns and problems should be available, to ensure employees individual needs are supported. Any workforce equality, diversity and inclusion policy statements should reference discrimination, harassment and bullying to show that these issues are not…

Stonewall LGBT Diversity Champions Programme

Published 24 November 2014 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories Disadvantaged and minority groups support Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Facilities designed to accommodate equality and diversity needs

All members of the workforce should feel included and respected, no matter their age, gender, race, religion or sexual preference. Sites have visited the Stonewall charity for education in positive recruitment, engagement and retention of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers within the industry, with plans for Stonewall representatives to visit the site to wider workforce information and education….

CITB’s Be Fair Framework

Published 5 November 2014 | No comments
Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
Categories EDI/FIR training
CategoriesEDI/FIR training

A key requirement of the Scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice is to provide a workplace where everyone is respected, treated fairly, encouraged, supported and made to feel valued as an employee. All members of the workforce must be treated fairly and without discrimination. An ‘inclusion’ policy should demonstrate commitment to equality, diversity and respect amongst the workforce. Many companies are turning to CITB’s…

Close case studies

Case studies

The Scheme has collaborated with various contractors and organisations which are leading the way on equality, diversity and inclusion to produce case studies outlining their approaches to this important issue.

Canary Wharf Contractors are attempting to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce through regular visits from a chaplain. Read the case study here.
Costain have taken significant proactive action in recent years to address the lack of diversity and inherent poor culture of inclusion in the industry. They have improved gender balance in their recruitment through their equality, diversity and inclusion strategy. Read the case study here.
Costain have established its Religion, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Network which focuses on supporting, educating and connecting employees on the matters of religion, ethnicity and culture. Read the case study here.
Farrans ‘Ban the Box’ initiative aims to give people with convictions a fairer chance at securing employment, by encouraging companies to ask the conviction question at a later point in the application process to reduce the risk of unfair discrimination and the overlooking of talent. Read the case study here.
Farrans DNA initiative is an internal network set up to support underrepresented and minority groups within their business by providing them with training, guidance, advice, and a toolkit to deal with possible challenges they face. Read the case study here.
National Highways On-Road Traffic Officer and EDI Champion Stewart Fox talks about learning British Sign Language and providing training on this for other traffic officers within the business. Read the case study here.
Women Into Construction and Hill Partnerships have worked in partnership to improve gender diversity in Cambridgeshire’s construction workforce. Read the case study here.
Women Into Construction and Hill Partnerships have worked in partnership to support women to gain site experience and develop their careers in construction. Read the case study here.
Kier have delivered a range of initiatives to encourage and support their diverse workforce by celebrating a range of festivities and awareness days. Read the case study here.

Lovell have supported people from a variety of backgrounds to flourish in the construction industry

  • Joseph Chukwuadinula is a Regional Sustainability Coordinator and talks about how he was supported from the start by Lovell with their open conversation culture and an ethos of constant communication. Read the case study here.
  • Sam Goodbody is an Electrician Apprentice for Lovell and is profoundly Deaf and a British Sign Language user and Lovell have made appropriate workplace adjustments to support him in his role. Read the case study here.
  • Ivy Jankowska is a HR & Training Coordinator and speaks about how Lovell welcomed her into the industry and then through their Enhanced Maternity Scheme supported her through Motherhood. Read the case study here.
Morgan Sindall as part of their journey to addressing gender imbalance in construction, have created a ‘Target 50:50’ strategic work experience programme. Read the case study here.

Morgan Sindall have supported people from a variety of backgrounds to flourish in the construction industry.


  • Daniel Sherlock gained work experience and subsequent full time contract through Buildforce, who are a construction industry initiative, looking to attract the best military talent from the Royal Airforce, British Army and Royal Navy into the construction industry. Read the case study here.
  • Harmoni, an Apprentice Quantity Surveyor talks about how accommodating Morgan Sindall have been on her journey into the construction industry. Read the case study here.
  • Kye, an Apprentice Quantity Surveyor speaks about his journey from speaking to Morgan Sindall at a Careers Fair to getting real world work experience with the company and encountering the variety of aspects to the role. Read the case study here.
  • Lucie, an Assistant Site Manager talks about how she was offered an apprenticeship with Morgan Sindall following a mock interview and how the company have provided support and guidance throughout the process. Read the case study here.
Skanska have designed and implemented an ‘equipping leaders to have conversations about race’ workshop. The focus is to help them understand the complex issues surrounding race inequality and how to proactively be anti-racist and overcome the fear of saying the wrong thing. Read the case study here.
Sir Robert McAlpine have implemented a culture that is truly inclusive and where everyone feels welcome with engagement starting at grassroots level, allowing everyone to share their experience and have their say. Read the case study here.

Willmott Dixon have supported people from a variety of backgrounds to flourish in the construction industry.

  • Eoin Burns, a Bid Coordinator is a British Sign Language user and speaks about how accommodating and supportive the contractor have been with him from the interview process through to the present day to ensure he can effectively carry out his role. Read the case study here.
  • Jeny Shrestha, a Design Coordinator talks about how the contractor supported her throughout her pregnancy as well as ensuring her return to work was seamless. Read the case study here.

Case Study Videos

These case study videos detail how registered activity is working to become more inclusive, and the benefits of increasing the diversity of their workforces.

Lovell have presented a video which details how they are investing in a sustainable workforce to make their organisation a great place to work for all. Watch the case study video here.
Morgan Sindall have presented a video which details how work experience has had a positive impact on the diversity of their entry level talent. Watch the case study video here.
Close law and legislation

Law and legislation

The following law and legislation establishes policies and regulations which have been put in place to ensure an equal, diverse and inclusive workforce exists.

Equality Act 2010

This act supersedes earlier legislation including the Equal Pay Act 1970, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and three major statutory instruments protecting discrimination in employment on grounds of religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. The act requires equal treatment in access to employment, as well as private and public services regardless of age, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity.

Under the Equality Act 2010, there are four types of discrimination listed:

  • Direct discrimination – When someone is treated less favourably because of a protected characteristic.
  • Indirect discrimination – When a rule, practice or policy disadvantages a person with a protected characteristic.
  • Harassment – Persistent unwanted conduct, unsolicited behaviour or attention of a sexual nature, or less favourable treatment which violates a person’s dignity or creates a hostile, uncomfortable environment. It is important to remember that it is a victim’s perception of behaviour which defines harassment, not the perpetrator’s intentions.
  • Victimisation – When an individual is treated less favourably than others because they made, tried to make or supported a complaint of discrimination.

For government guidance on the act, click here.

Human Rights Act 1998

This act sets out the rights and freedoms that everyone in the UK is entitled to affirming the prohibition of discrimination on grounds such as sex, race, colour, language and religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.

For government guidance on the act, click here.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting

From April 2017, UK employers with more than 250 staff are required to publish statistics on the gender pay gap in their organisation. This provision of the Equality Act will apply to a large number of UK construction organisations.

For government guidance on mandatory gender pay gap reporting, click here.

To read ACAS guidance on pay gap reporting, click here.

Close External resources

External resources

There are a number of organisations and resources available to help the construction industry understand the issue of equality, diversity and inclusion.


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