Spotlight on… carbon reduction asks what net zero means for the industry and outlines easy and practical guidance to support your decarbonisation journey.
Spotlight on… carbon reduction asks what net zero means for the industry and outlines easy and practical guidance to support your decarbonisation journey.
Reducing our carbon emissions has become one of the biggest issues for our generation. In this ‘Spotlight on…’ we ask what net zero means for the industry and outline easy and practical guidance to support your decarbonisation journey.
Climate change and global warming has become one of the single largest threats to our planet and having dominated our headlines for decades, it is the defining issue of a generation. Many governments have declared a climate emergency, with more than 70 countries including the UK and Ireland, pledging their commitment to become net zero by 2050 as part of the landmark Paris Agreement. With energy consumption and carbon (CO2) emissions in the construction industry reaching an all-time high, how is the sector adapting to meet these legally-binding targets? In this ‘Spotlight on…’ we ask what net zero means for the industry and outline easy and practical guidance to support your decarbonisation journey.
The UK and Ireland construction industry is responsible for 25% of our total carbon footprint, generating 40 – 50 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. To put this into perspective, this is more than the total emissions from aviation and shipping combined. According to a recent survey conducted by the Considerate Constructors Scheme to more than 450 construction industry professionals, over 90% of respondents believe there is an issue with the amount of CO2 emissions produced by construction, with energy and fuel consumption seen as the main contributor. 83% of respondents believe the industry has the potential to significantly reduce its CO2 emissions, with over 60% feeling the sector is not doing enough to tackle the issue.
The outlook is even worse from a global perspective with the building and construction sector accounting for over 34% of energy consumption and 37% of CO2 emissions. With demand for raw materials predicted to double by 2060 (including some of the biggest contributors to CO2 emissions), and growing population and commercial demands putting increasing pressure on the industry, is it possible to make a difference to reduce CO2? What guidance is there to decarbonise and fulfil the Government’s commitment to become net zero by 2050, and how do we pave the way for greener, cleaner and more sustainable practices in construction.
What are the typical sources of CO2 emissions in construction?
From the mining and manufacturing of materials such as concrete and cement, to the management and eventual deconstruction of a structure, CO2 emissions can be found at every stage of a construction and engineering lifecycle.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol framework provides a globally recognised classification to group sources of CO2 emissions at an organisational level.
Typical sources of CO2 emissions in construction are split into three scopes and include:
Scope 1 (direct): | Emissions caused by an organisation directly; for example from running machinery and heating buildings. |
Scope 2 (indirect): | Emissions generated indirectly when energy is produced on behalf of the organisation from a utility provider. |
Scope 3 (indirect): | Emissions produced from the supply chain and at a customer level. |
What are carbon emissions and why does it matter?
Carbon emissions, often referred to as greenhouse gases, are generated by the release of CO2. Methane and others into the atmosphere. They are created by human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas), the impact of deforestation and the growth in landfill and waste disposal. CO2 radiates and traps heat from the sun and this has caused our planet to warm by +1.1°C in 200 years, disturbing the natural balance of our planet and resulting in an unprecedented change to the climate.
In the last decade there has been a surge in the number of resources and initiatives available to support greener practices in construction; the UK Green Building Council has published Net Zero Carbon Buildings: A Framework Definition, with principles to achieve net zero carbon. They have also created a Whole Life Carbon Roadmap which shows how industry can get to net zero by 2050. The Construction Leadership Council have launched several initiatives to champion sustainability including: CO2nstructZero, a zero carbon programme identifying nine priorities for carbon reduction that align with the government’s 10-point plan, and a Zero Avoidable Waste Routemap to help manage construction waste and reduce landfill. Part Z is an industry-proposed amendment to UK Building Regulations 2010 which would ensure that embodied carbon is assessed on all projects, as part of a comprehensive whole life carbon assessment.
BREEAM continues to influence greener more sustainable practices and is recognised by investors and contractors alike. In recent research conducted by the Scheme two thirds of respondents have worked on BREEAM or LEED certified projects. Similarly, many contractors have adopted the globally recognised ISO 14001 Certification in Environmental Management Systems to strengthen and audit environmental policies.
The project has begun to create the UK’s first Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard which will be launching later this year to provide standardised metrics to demonstrate and verify net zero carbon buildings in the UK. Bringing together leading industry organisations including BBP, BRE, The Carbon Trust, CIBSE, IStructE, LETI, RIBA, RICS, and UKGBC, this is the first major collective step in supporting stakeholders throughout the decarbonisation of procurement, design, construction and operation of buildings. There is a suite of European Standards that cover sustainability works for construction and infrastructure. These include methodologies for assessment of environmental performance (including carbon) at a building and product level.
Net zero targets have been a catalyst for innovation as investment in the research and development of sustainable greener construction materials grows. Contractors are exploring new uses for existing materials such as bamboo and evaluating new resources like sustainable low carbon concrete and production methods like 3D printing in reducing emissions from production, packaging and transport. Closed loop remanufacturing schemes are emerging, creating a circular economy by re-using products and transforming them into eco-friendly new materials. Furthermore, there’s been a growth in the uptake of recycled plastics and metals, reducing waste and landfill. Manufacturers are now producing Environmental Product Declaration’s (EPD) to provide the environmental performance of a product. These are then used in whole life carbon assessment tools to assess which materials may have less of a carbon impact.
At the Considerate Constructors Scheme we prioritise the issues that affect our planet, championing sustainability, decarbonisation and the natural environment as one of the three pillars of our Code of Considerate Practice. We recognise the construction industry will need to play a significant role in helping achieve Net Zero by 2050 and are spearheading industry standards to help constructors minimise the impact of their operations, take considered steps to safeguard the natural environment and optimise the use of resources.
Our Scheme Monitors uphold standards and measure progress with Registered Activity, benchmarking initiatives and offering advice and guidance.
The Checklist also asks Registered Activity to optimise the use of resources, including minimising carbon throughout the value chain.
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The following law and legislation is relevant to helping address the issue of reducing carbon emissions.
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Carbon reduction is a huge issue in the construction industry today. There are numerous organisations and initiatives committed to combatting this issue in the construction industry.
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We are proud to support some of the most pioneering constructors in the industry who are taking a stand and making a real difference to minimise their environmental impact. Our Best Practice Hub contains a wealth of insights and exceptional examples of environmental innovation from across the country.
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Be inspired by those across our industry who share their story and offer advice on carbon reduction in construction.
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Whether you are a contractor, supplier, manager or construction professional, we all have a duty to protect our planet and there are lots of ways you can make a difference to build a greener, sustainable industry.
The first step to reducing CO2 emissions is to identify possible causes from a company and project level. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol framework as mentioned above is a useful tool to categorise, track and report on emissions and find opportunities to support a long-term carbon reduction strategy.
To help achieve net zero targets, education, awareness and advocacy is critical. Once a strategy, tactical plan and targets have been set, ensure it is communicated across the company or project and regularly reported on. Create a benchmark of success and celebrate achievements to inspire other teams in the business and across the supply chain. Drive change by increasing the skills and knowledge of staff through regular training and during site inductions, challenge traditional behaviours, and raise awareness with poster campaigns, toolkits and site events. Appoint advocates and champions of sustainability from the boardroom and throughout the business to promote best practice.
One of the biggest ways to reduce CO2 emissions is to identify, monitor and evaluate the energy used onsite; from vehicles, machinery and equipment, to lighting, heating and site accommodation. Make positive eco-conscious choices: Construction, demolition and excavation accounted for almost two thirds of the UK’s total waste. Reducing waste using the 3 R’s of waste management – reduce, reuse, recycle can make significant strides in reducing landfill and CO2 emissions. Decarbonisation is a collective responsibility and every part of the construction industry has a part to play. With an average of 50-70 suppliers on a typical project, the supply chain is a big component of a carbon zero strategy. Adopt a green supply chain management approach, integrating environmental processes and ensure you have transparency of practices. Support suppliers with guidance, best practice and share training resources. The Government’s commitment to achieve net zero by 2050 is an ambitious target and reaffirms the urgency needed to react. But in an industry that is still producing more CO2 than ever before, greater strides are needed to make an impact and tackle the issue head on. According to the Scheme’s Carbon Reduction survey 2023, over half of respondents have never worked on a project that has successfully met a CO2 reduction target, and only 1 in 3 construction projects have used renewable energy on site. Over 85% of respondents agree there is not enough incentive for construction companies to reduce their CO2 emissions, with cost seen as the biggest barrier, and smaller firms struggling to remain competitive with more expensive greener alternatives. The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) predict the construction industry will require 350,000 new roles to be created by 2028, to ensure the government’s commitment to achieving net zero by 2050 is on track. These stark statistics suggest more work is needed to support a carbon free industry, a collective drive from contractors, designers, asset owners, manufacturers, industry bodies and across the supply chain, as well as at a policy and government level to promote investment in greener cost efficient initiatives. The opportunity to transform the industry is huge; to develop low carbon materials, zero emission plant, sustainable practices and a new generation of eco-conscious champions to lay the foundations of a sustainable greener construction industry, we can all be proud of. Further reading on this topic can be found in the References and Useful Resources section. Date published: May 25 2023 Supported by:
Last updated: February 3 2025
We are proud to support some of the most pioneering constructors in the industry who are taking a stand and making a real difference to minimise their environmental impact. Our Best Practice Hub contains a wealth of insights and exceptional examples of environmental innovation from across the country.
Site Energy Efficiency Dashboard (SEED) centralises and displays available digital real-time performance data related to the efficiency of three main asset groups: plant, fleet and compound generators with the aim of reducing Scope 1 carbon emissions, reducing costs and driving efficiencies. Data is taken from JCB Live Link (plant), Masternaut (fleet), Victron (generators), including assets that are owned, contract hired…
This contractor for the office façade mullions and transoms are made from a new Shuco product, their Ultra-Low Carbon Aluminium. The aluminium boasts at least 75% post consumer recycled material, with a carbon intensity of less that 2.27kgCO2e/kg. Its use has saved over 100 tonnes of carbon emissions on the project. Use of this material could assist the wider industry…
To minimise the use of trailing leads on site, this contractor is using rechargeable transformers across the site for temporary electrics. Operatives can easily transport the lightweight transformers to their workstations for the day. These transformers can take 10,000 recharges in a life time with 1 charge and discharge per day. This product is energy saving, using electricity smarter whilst…
This contractor is using a market first lower embodied carbon raised access floor tile. Each tile has a minimum of 86% recycled material, as well as low carbon steel produced in an electric arc furnace. This means that each tile’s environmental impact is -3.04kgCO2e. On this project alone using these tiles has saved 420 tonnes of carbon emissions. Wider use…
Initially this contractor was required to uplift the existing 3G pitch and shock pad and this material was due to be transported to landfill. Because this had to be taken to a certain landfill site they enquired about alternative means of disposal/reuse, receiving very little feedback on alternatives. They worked with the supply chain and approached clients with a proposal….
This contractor is making their own concrete on site. This is a saving of over 92 miles in ready-mix transport every week. They are also reducing concrete waste by only creating what is required – saving 4 cubic metres of wasted concrete per week. The equivalent of over 1.5 tonnes of embodied Co2 every week, or 25 tonnes for the…
The project used deep soil mixing to improve the bearing capacity of the site’s soil, (a mixture of heavy clay and peat), by mechanically mixing it with cementitious and other binders. This avoided having to replace the soil with imported fill material. Not having to excavate and cart away unsuitable soil and import replacement fill material led to a significant…
This contractor is using a process to reuse coal tarmac from existing roads for new road infrastructure. This method involves treating the old tarmac and converting it into cold-lay tarmac, which is a first on the council’s roads. This approach not only reduces waste disposal costs and reliance on virgin materials but also lowers carbon emissions due to its energy-efficient…
This contractor is using hydrogen and electric Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWP). This equipment was hired from Speedy and can be charged from mains power, but its battery lasts for the full duration of use without needing hydrogen. As a result, zero emissions were produced during its operation. The MEWP combines the benefits of hydrogen and electric power to create…
The ground conditions at this project are highly complex due to the local geological composition. Thus, traditional ground stabilisation methods could not be conducted onsite. The project team had to collaborate to challenge such methods in order to deliver the methods successfully, sustainably and without compromising viability. Rather than using the traditional auger bore method which is expensive, in terms…
This contractor has entered into a strategic partnership with Carlton Power to supply it with green hydrogen for its manufacturing facility at Stirling, Scotland. The hydrogen will be produced by an electrolyser using electricity that is generated from sources of renewable energy, primarily wind and solar power. The contractor wanted to make the transition from fossil-based fuels to hydrogen in…
The facilities on this site would generally need a generator in order to run the equipment required or a temporary electric connection, which would be quite time consuming. The contractor is therefore using an ‘AMPD’ battery bank to avoid the need to bring on a generator. The unit takes a small charge trickle feed to charge a battery, which in…
The project is using a battery powered heavy duty pallet truck to move materials around site, in place of the diesel powered telehandler. The pallet truck has pneumatic tyres enabling it to travel over relatively rough terrain. Using battery operated plant helps to reduce the site’s carbon emissions. The pallet truck is also used to move materials within the building,…
A key client focus on this project is to achieve the highest standards of sustainability through the retention of the existing structure and the reuse of materials where possible. Surplus materials were made available to local schools and charities, with almost £4,000 worth of furniture donated to two local charities (St Mungo’s and Local National Park City). A combination of…
Most excess concrete is disposed of in standard waste skips, lined with plastic sheeting. This contractor has developed vessels for collecting concrete that are tailor made for this and will not require using plastic sheeting, which is a waste product in itself. The vessels are also designed to prevent overfilling, which is an industry issue that affects the collection of…
Cement Bound Granular Mixtures (CBGM), is an extremely durable and economic construction material used in both foundation and structural pavement layers. CBGM uses 100% recycled aggregates which increases sustainability with no effect on the quality or cost. The Environment Agency recognise cold recycled bound materials (CRBM) as a stabilising technology for hazardous materials specifically asphalt waste containing coal tar. There…
On this project, they have created and displayed a poster which details a contractor league table for carbon emissions. This is based on various information which is provided by workers at their induction. This initiative has been implemented to encourage car sharing and use of less polluting vehicles.
This contractor has implemented an in-house carbon reporting system. Two baseline forecasts (conforming and alternate design baseline) are calculated for the project, which provides insight into the expected variation in CO2 throughout the project. Via a simple but effective digital tool, the site record the quantities of each carbon emitting source used on the project. All data is evidence based…
Roller compacted concrete has been used for temporary works on this project as opposed to traditional asphalt. This solution is fully recyclable and can be manufactured on or close to site on a small footprint allowing for rapid deployment. By reducing the need for asphalt and replacing it with roller compacted concrete, road surfacing is quicker, cheaper and renewable. This…
During the removal and disposal of the single glazed windows, this contractor sent the windows to a manufacturing facility to reprocess the glazing into a worktop which was then installed in the fit out of the project. They managed to provide the manufacturer with a total of 360 windows (3,500kg of glass), of which they have incorporated 1,500kg back into…
This contractor installed spun concrete structural columns as an alternative to steel section columns as a less carbon intensive and more efficient install. The spun concrete increases strength when compared to traditionally cast concrete as it removes air pockets (C75 to C110 MPA), with the process having less than half the embodied carbon of the equivalent steel section. This process…
On this project there are two site compounds which were initially run using diesel generators. The diesel was switched to hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) as it was more sustainable and produced less emissions. However, the cost of HVO has increased and the emissions are comparable to white diesel when comparing well to wheel. The diesel powered generators were not running…
This contractor became an engaged member of the Responsible Plastic Management (RPM) Program to support targets of the contractor’s 2030 Sustainability Roadmap. They identified that this project was a perfect location to attempt to achieve the exemplar status of having a construction project that was sending zero plastic to landfill. In order to achieve this they engaged intensively with their…
Instead of using concrete for their retaining wall, they utilised Flex MSE, a patented engineered solution for vegetated retaining walls and erosion control which has been designed to outlast its hardscape predecessors, including concrete and steel. Seeds were then applied, via hydroseeding, onto the face of the Flex MSE installation. Its simple geobag and interlocking plate facing adapts and moves…
Research conducted by Iterchimica suggests that the average lifespan of a thin surface course system is 6-10 years. This contractor, along with a specialist technical consultancy, wanted to find a solution to improve the durability of hot rolled asphalt surfacing, making it less susceptible to deformation and producing a more sustainable, environmentally friendly solution. The trial, conducted on a busy…
This contractor worked with Calluna Upcycling to recycle their stand from an exhibition they presented at. This was converted into handy pencil/make-up cases and distributed for the workforce, reducing waste to landfill whilst providing a gift for the workforce. Calluna create flexible work for people who for a variety of reasons need it – all of their workers struggle with…
This contractor has collaborated with suppliers to deliver cutting-edge low carbon post tensioned concrete floor slabs for the superstructure of the project. The post tensioned strand is the first of its kind to be used in the UK and uses a much higher volume of recycled scrap metal material with a significantly lower carbon impact compared with traditional post tensioned…
The eco action higher or lower game, is an interactive environmental resource for businesses and organisations that helps to engage and educate staff on a range of sustainability issues. This is an online version of the popular card game, which has a flexible option with a number of flexible uses. It works as a tournament style game where teams compete…
On this project, they contacted the supplier to ask if they could do a luxury vinyl flooring take back scheme, as they had never completed this previously. This is the first vinyl take back scheme that the supplier have completed in the UK. To assist the supplier with this the contractor is commercially funding the take back scheme with the…
This contractor has implemented Biochar, which is a method of composting trees to use as fertiliser on the project. This is the first project to use Biochar and will have their own in-house equipment on site. The initiative is a way of using all felled trees to use on projects and help to reuse waste normally removed and disused To…
This contractor has implemented VERIFI, a digital-in-transit concrete monitoring system mounted on trucks. VERIFI monitors concrete consistency (slump and temperature) reducing the need for extensive presence of concrete technicians at site and laboratory testing. Site teams verify compliant concrete by consulting the VERIFI display upon delivery. Access to the app is granted solely to authorised personnel. The site supervisor now…
This contractor has implemented a FHOSS type gate and barrier, which comes with the following benefits. Sustainability – Photovoltaic solar panel in place to ensure zero carbon emissions over a 10 year life cycle and 24/7 off-grid solar autonomy with no ground contamination. Safety – Fully compliant to BS EN 12345:2017 with force limitation and inbuilt green & red LED…
Gen Zero is a research project that the DfE & the contractor have led and is based on a construction approach that will form a “Kit of Parts” (platform) to build ultra low carbon sustainable schools, using a fixed grid, timber construction which are adaptable to user needs and demountable to ensure longevity of use. The practical classroom pod will…
A large number of skips can and have been filled in the past and seemingly potentially useful insulation is taken away by waste removal contractors and simply thrown away, usually into landfill. This contractor asked Shredall to specify and advise upon the size of an appropriate compactor to fit into their site and training was carried out for the general…
This contractor changed the design to use Eco Sheet Piles Plus throughout the project which significantly reduced carbon. These are part of the XCarb brand and are a recycled and renewably produced initiative, based on the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) route using 100% recycled material in addition to using 100% renewable electricity sourced from the same power grid. This allows…
This contractor is using warm lay tarmac for the site compound car park, this significantly reduced the carbon for this activity by up to 15% per tonne. This has numerous benefits including: No requirement for any specialist equipment to lay and no compromise on performance Improved site safety as the risks of burns are lessened Improved air quality and visibility…
Working on an existing embankment with restricted working room behind residential properties, meant the installation of a traditional piling mat was not feasible without significant land take of the rear gardens of the residential properties. Traditionally for these piling works the contractor would install a pile mate and use a 14t tracked excavator with an EMV attachment. Therefore, the contractor…
PaperStone is a UK based material made of post-consumer recycled paper laminated with a petrofree resin. The material is rainforest alliance certified and has low embodied carbon value of just 28 kgCO2e per m2 compared to the 94 kgCO2e per m2 of Corian – the typical alternative to work surfaces. This represents a 70% reduction in embodied carbon and is…
On this project they faced a question as to whether they would repair or replace the damaged cast iron façade, with over 3000 components this was no small task. They sourced a specialist supplier who conducted a comparison life cycle assessment of the remanufacture of cast iron and compared with the manufacture of new cast iron components, this concluded that…
This contractor is using a water treatment system which reduces their carbon footprint, provides confidence in their consenting requirements, improves incident response time and reduces usage of chemical consumables. The manufacturer identified that other water treatment systems treated construction waste waters for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and pH correction regardless of the parameters of the waters going into the systems….
On this project they are displaying subcontractor monthly mileage and monthly carbon emissions. The site has developed and displayed a board on the external hoarding by the site entrance that identifies the sub-contractors on site, their monthly mileage and CO2 produced as well as whether they are registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme. This demonstrates to the workforce, visitors and…
In collaboration with National Highways and Highway Resource Solutions, this contractor introduced the Intellitag digital system to deliver a carbon-efficient solution while ensuring the safety of their workforce and road users. Using Intellitag helped eliminate the need for maintenance checks of temporary traffic management. The Intellitag digital device is fitted to signs or equipment using a mounting bracket. This immediately…
The site team worked alongside their design team to re-design a previous project in order to build a new primary school as Net Zero in operation. In order to assess the carbon performance of both projects, they were each modelled separately in CarboniCa, which is their in-house digital carbon reduction tool. Initially, the school was modelled retrospectively in 2022 based…
This contractor installed a 120m long temporary bridge providing the travelling public and pedestrians with a safe route while the Southern Piled Viaduct is demolished and replaced. The site team and design team were challenged with creating a sustainable diversion where all materials associated with the diversion were to be either re-used or repurposed. This was achieved while constructing to…
This contractor is tackling operational carbon through the utilisation of an energy monitoring system. This has a series of meters across the project office and site, electric supply and consumption can be monitored on an hourly basis. The biggest focus is on tackling out of hours consumption, with this system they are able to set email alarms which notify of…
This contractor is utilising the gripple bracketry system for all electrical containment on the project. Using this system they have saved an estimated 720 hours on site through efficiency, an estimated 2,408kg material weight and an estimated 5,466kg CO2 embodied carbon. This eliminates hot works for cutting bracketry on site. To find out more, click the link below.
The project team worked collaboratively with the client to discuss ways to generate carbon reductions within the build. Through engaging with their supply chain partner, they decided to review the use of electric arc furnace steel for the steel frame. This uses recycled steel to be reused into the new structure. The steel frame is made up of 98.6% of…
This contractor sourced a supplier that produces co-extruded top-quality window profiles, enabling different PVC materials to be processed on the core of the profile and the outer skin. The use of recycled material means that valuable secondary raw materials can be re-used, which helps to reduce the impact on the environment. The supplier is able to sort, shred, clean and…
This contractor have purchased a battery operated rebar cutter that eliminates the use of a petrol powered saw. By using this item it eliminates any hot works, when using a petrol saw it produces fumes and requires storage of flammables and any vibration associated hazards. There are also significant health and safety benefits for operatives on sites using this tool….
The Wi System is a simple, yet extremely versatile alternative to traditional windposts and lintels. It is a method of providing structural support to masonry panels subject to lateral load and can allow the uninterrupted construction of ‘oversize’ blockwork walls with unrestrained lengths of 11m and heights of 8m. Hollow column and trough blocks allow the construction of integral reinforced…
This contractor has taken part in a circular plasterboard case study in partnership with Loughborough University, ENVA and British Gypsum. The initiative is all part of an EU Horizon 2020 project, ICEBERG, which aims to improve the economic viability and market potential of end-of-life building materials. This provides designers, manufacturers, builders, and recyclers with advanced smart and technological civil engineering…
The original design required a series of concrete retaining dams to control water flow and overflow through the sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). Originally the design was to cast these in concrete on site. The first improvement was to use pre-cast lintels with a stone topping installed on site. The final iteration was to move to a fully precast unit off-site including…
The remote location of the noise and dust monitors on this project required a power source to be installed. Solar alone would not be sufficient to power them and a diesel generator used finite fossil fuels, therefore they combined a hydrogen cell with solar panels to provide enough power to run the monitors 24/7. The hydrogen used can be created…
A Northvolt battery system has been used to power the site instead of a temporary power supply and/or generators. The site will have the following power requirement during construction: 2 x tower cranes, 3 x goods hoists 6 x cabins 2 x building of 8 storey and 6 storey requiring temporary electrics including lighting to allow areas. The local grid…
This contractor is building a substation for National Grid to develop the London Power Tunnels infrastructure. To support National Grid in its transition to Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) free solutions, they have on site 7 bays of its EconiQ 420 kV Gas Insulated Switchgear to enable the transmission of electricity over long distances while eliminating SF6, in addition to EconiQ 420…
Ultilow is a range of warm mix asphalts for more sustainable road surfacing that are manufactured and supplied at lower temperatures than conventional hot mix asphalts. As a result they offer significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions of up to 15% and typically around 8-10%. They also deliver a range of site safety and productivity benefits and no compromise on…
On this development they are looking to reduce the carbon output of pouring concrete by utilising new mixes that are available from suppliers. They have recently used a new, very low carbon concrete which utilises higher blend cements with over 50% eCO2 reduction when compared to standard Portland cement (CEMI) concrete. It is essential to create strong lines of communication…
The scrubber was removed during the decontamination and demolition phase. It has been categorised as low level waste, and as a result will be taken to the LLWR. In line with the approved best available techniques (BAT) the method for disposal was to manually size-reduce the scrubber into smaller pieces and place it in a half-height ISO – playing a…
This contractor collaborated with their M&E installer to bring pre-insulated ducts to site this meant they were ready for installation into the risers, this had an environmental benefit as it reduced the need for additional packaging, transport, and manufacturing costs. This helped them to positively impact the project’s environmental footprint by reducing carbon emissions, waste generation, and energy consumption. It…
This contractor successfully introduced a dual-fuel hydrogen and diesel piling machine, installing four piles to a depth of 30 metres on the site. Using the piling rig for just 2 days, the rig saved 27 litres of diesel, which equates to a saving of 72kg of CO2. The rig, modified to operate from on-board hydrogen tanks, achieved 36% (average) displacement…
This contractor used an all-electric ready-mix concrete mixer on their project, helping them significantly on their path to net zero construction. The mixer, created in partnership with Renault Trucks and TVS Interfleet, is the first of its kind to operate anywhere in the UK with zero tailpipe emissions. This mixer has the same average capacity as a conventional diesel vehicle,…
This contractor has developed a specific Carbon Reduction toolbox talk for their workforce. This toolbox talk included practical tips and actions ranging from energy efficiency, waste management, sustainable transportation, and responsible procurement to employee and operative engagement as well as detailing the benefits of carbon reduction actions. To find out more, click the link below.
This contractor upscaled the vessel/barge crane to carry out the lift to eliminate the need for any dredging. The dredge site would have been at the location where two rivers merge. They looked the the impact both commercially and environmentally on the project and agreed that in order to reduce the impact of the works on the environment any further…
During winter when the weather is colder, you need to pour with a concrete with higher carbon content as this will allow it to cure correctly. By using heaters on slabs, this has allowed them to optimise concrete mixes. The goal is to be able to pour slabs using the summer mixes all year, therefore offering a carbon saving of…
This contractor is using Porotherm multi-cellular clay blocks, in place of the traditional concrete block, on this project. The clay blocks use a thin joint mortar system (1mm thick), and the interlocking vertical joints do not require mortar. This significantly reduces the amount of mortar required to lay the blocks – minimising water and cement usage on site and helping…
Utilising a BIM Model and clash detection, it was enabled for designers to design a frame which holds all the mechanical pipework and associated bracketry to be manufactured at low level and in factory conditions. This then allowed for frames to be delivered to site and be installed at high level using mechanical aids, which will prevent musculoskeletal injuries due…
An initiative was put in place to raise awareness around the carbon footprint within emails and how they can impact the companies overall figure. This initiative details where emails are stored, the best ways to deal with emails and how to respond to an email if necessary without contributing further to any carbon footprint. There is not a lot of…
This contractor has implemented Cabin Pump, which is a portable, powerful, and tough wastewater macerating system for temporary and portable buildings. This eliminated the need for the contractor to install an effluent tank in the ground that would need to be pumped out once a week via a lorry. This initiative over a 5 month period will save over 250…
This contractor are a small business with a workforce of three that install, repair and service ten pin bowling equipment. The company have taken steps to reduce the amount of its waste sent for recycling or to be disposed of to landfill. When repairing existing ten pin bowling equipment the company noted which items supplied by the original equipment manufacturers…
This contractor is using a battery powered power station that allows both 110v and 240v power to be supplied remotely, replacing traditional petrol powered generators. The unit is environmentally beneficial as it produces less carbon emissions than a petrol generator and negates any issues with transport of fuel or storage of fuel. The unit produces less than 10dB noise pollution…
This contractor’s partnership with Saint-Gobain in the Glass Forever programme is a new approach to sustainable glass recovery. This initiative involves recycling glass directly from their construction sites to create new glass products. The process consists of several key steps to maximise the recovery of glass, including breaking and separating the glass, preventing contamination and storing it in specialised cullet…
The contractor implemented a solar powered compound with supplier which has led to a carbon reduction of 1tCO2e per week throughout the trial. This was considered so successful that they have maintained the use post-trial and will be implementing solar power where possible in the future in combination with other energy sources such as Hydrogen. The contractor helped to design…
In their efforts to reduce carbon on the project this contractor has researched various methods of bridge building and materials used. This has seen them now working with Janson Bridges to create a Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) bridge as the solution on the Tyn-y-Bryn project. Traditionally bridge construction consists of large amounts of concrete and steel which creates a large…
The project is using drainage kerbs made from recycled waste polymers, packaging, freezer bags and single use plastic bottles. Using products made from recycled polymers ensures that a valuable resource is not sent to landfill or used as a fuel. A drainage kerb made from recycled waste polymers also has a lower carbon footprint than an equivalent concrete drainage kerb….
To move towards their Net Zero by 2030 goal, this contractor has deployed the Deep Green carbon-neutral welfare set up at their site . The unit is powered by an ultra-efficient solar panel electrical system with a back-up HVO generator, meaning the unit is powered by virtually 100% renewable energy and operates at a near-silent level. The unit also has…
A temporary church was erected for phase 2 of the works, when the Cathedral could no longer remain open. The floor insulation between the ground floor joists was specified as a mineral wool product. The contractor had recently been made aware of a natural, British made product that would perform to the required specification, but with far greater ‘green’ credentials….
The Area East team have implemented an initiative to align with producing a low carbon product, the electric piling rig. This uses less energy compared to the traditional model rig, however, is just as powerful. The rig is the only one of its kind in the UK and the only rig in the world to be connected to mains electricity….
The project has saved 170 tonne of carbon and over 640 m3 of waste to landfill by changing the design and utilising cathodic protection of the existing structural steelwork, as suggested by the Principal Contractor. The original proposal was the removal and replacement of surrounding brickwork to treat the numerous steel columns. The system gives an unlimited design life to…
Typically, on a construction site the only monitoring of air quality is through a 24/7 monitor with the aim of warning the project of any spikes in poor local air quality. This contractor has been working with an Air Quality Consultant, supporting them to build specific calculator tools that businesses can use to footprint particulate matter (PM10 &PM2.5) and NOx…
Carbon can be used in a number of different ways on construction sites and while there is a vast amount of resources coming available for management level to look at strategy of reducing carbon on construction projects there is less available to bring the conversation to the general workforce. With a lack of toolbox talks aimed at the workforce which include…
This contractor is using STEICOflex, which is a low carbon insulation made from a flexible wood fibre insulation. Its excellent thermal properties help reduce heating costs and CO2 emissions and due to photosynthesis, STEICOflex also stores CO2: trees absorb CO2 during photosynthesis and the carbon stays in the end product. The product is also carbon negative as more CO2 is…
As part of the construction of the Canada Water Dock Boardwalk, instead of using new steel tubular piles to support the boardwalk, this contractor is using stock materials of gas pipe as support piles. This has negated the need to have new piles made, not only cutting down on costs of new steel but reducing the carbon footprint of the…
The environmental specialist on this project is active in the Dock assessing and reporting on the situation in relation to the wildlife and any factors that may have an impact, caused by the project. To enable the specialist to get as close to the wildlife as possible they have provided a battery powered small boat. The benefits of the boat…
To reduce vehicle movements to and from site and improve their carbon footprint, this contractor has engaged with a supplier to use an electric crusher on site for the re-use of material. Noise, dust and vibration is at an absolute minimum in comparison to using a fully diesel generator operated crusher. To find out more, click the link below.
A new method for carbon reduction in typically intensive new materials was implemented by this contractor, putting circular economy principles into practice. Materials Passports are digital documents that report everything you need to know about the building’s component parts to facilitate future re-use at a much-reduced carbon count. Taking waste from one project and using it as a resource for…
Solutions to the climate and ecological crises already exist, but they are often not common knowledge or widely applied. UKGBC’s Solutions Library provides a central resource to showcase solutions to shared sustainability challenges across the built environment. It intends to increase awareness of tried and tested solutions to promote their adoption and scaling across the industry. The Solutions Library features…
The UK Green Building Council’s (UKGBC’s) Case Study Library showcases built environment projects that demonstrate best practice and key learnings in one or more of the UKGBC impact areas: Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Nature, Resource Use and Health, Wellbeing & Social Value. The resource aims to foster greater understanding across the industry about the ways in which different…
This contractor has created an embodied carbon model for the project at RIBA Stage 4, using OneClick LCA. The results show that the embodied emissions will be 727 kg CO2e/m2. As the project progresses, this model is being updated to reflect final quantities of materials procured, all environmental product declarations use on the project and final site emissions data. This…
This contractor hired three Ampd Enertainer batteries, to power three tower cranes. These batteries were initially trialled in Hong Kong and Singapore. Following their success, they came to the Olympia Redevelopment as the first deployment in Europe. To date they have saved over 19t of carbon, and are estimated to save 192t of carbon in one year. They are 32x…
This contractor has made an online net zero dairy which is available to all via their website. This is the first construction diary which honestly and openly advises about their detailed net zero journey and where the business and wider industry are on the journey. The diary aims to share best practice but also highlight areas where the industry needs…
The welfare setup has been fitted with measurable energy sockets and fuse spurs for all power outlets. Measurable Energy equips facilities managers, building owners and occupants with real-time energy and GHG emissions monitoring, automated controls and data driven actions to avoid unnecessary carbon emissions and reduce costs. The smart sockets with machine learning capabilities eliminate small power wastage by reducing…
A new electric road marker vehicle has bee used on the project, this new technology hasn’t been used on a site in the UK before. The vehicle reduces carbon emissions, as it takes less energy to heat material for operations as the material is sprayed at 75 degrees instead of 180 degrees for joint sealing. This Zero Emission Sprayer will…
The contractor has developed and financed a construction-specific climate emergency training course in conjunction with three other contractors in Northern Ireland, Business in the Community and Keep Scotland/Northern Ireland Beautiful. This course helped attendees to make the link between their own lives and climate change, in addition to acquiring the knowledge to lower their carbon footprint, with typical realised carbon…
This contractor has rolled out an environmental initiative on site, to allow all personnel to calculate their individual carbon footprint. A poster is available within the site compound, displaying a QR code that links users to the WWF Footprint Calculator. Those who scan the code can then complete a short questionnaire, answering relevant questions on their diet, travel and home…
The contractor is using the lowest embodied carbon structural steel product available and is the first project in UK to use this. The steel comes with a cost uplift over other rolled steel sections. Wider uptake of this will help to significantly reduce the embodied carbon impacts of the built environment. To find out more, click the link below.
This contractor has used 3D concrete printing to produce the capping beams for a sheet pile flood wall. The beams have a lower embodied carbon than traditional cast in-situ or precast concrete beams and therefore this has helped to reduce the site’s carbon footprint. Each beam is also bespoke, using 3D printing allows each beam to be made to the…
Electric Multi Service Vehicles (MSV’s) are being used as opposed to diesel or track-bound vehicles on this project. These vehicles will be used to transport segments for the TBM as well as people along the tunnels within the project. Electric (MSV’s) will help the contractor reach their ‘Diesel free by 2023’ status and they are aiming to become the leader…
During the initial phase of works, a direct mains feed was not available for the welfare and site supplies, therefore a generator was required. To address planning constraints, nuisance to our neighbours and carbon footprint/emissions associated with large diesel generators, they considered the use battery supply units to operate primarily out of hours, but also to address inefficient running out…
This contractor created an ‘Educating Our Supply Chain’ video on carbon reduction to support their business commitment towards Net Zero, which was publicised and shared with their key supply chain partners. A tailored launch session for their Net Zero Partners scheme was arranged and delivered to key subcontractors and suppliers to help prepare and align them with their commitments through…
This contractor has established a ‘Carbon Focus Group’ to develop an inclusive approach to generating discussions at all levels in the company. The new focus group has already developed a carbon specific toolbox talk that has been rolled out on site to educate and inspire the workforce to think about ways of reducing carbon. A number of initiatives were discussed…
This contractor coordinated with their road surfacing contractor, and construction material producer, to lay a 1755m2 area with a rubber modified asphalt. The product is an environmentally sustainable alternative to conventional asphalt. The mix uses end of life tyres which are converted into new roads and pavements, resulting in up to 5% lower CO2 emissions during production. The product is…
Reinforcement bars are used as a tension device to reinforce and strengthen concrete in building structures. Basalt FRP (fibre reinforced polymer) was used in guidewalls instead of standard steel reinforcement bars. Basalt is a naturally occurring volcanic rock that provides similar strengths to steel reinforcement in the right applications. Basalt FRP is 5 times lighter than steel whilst providing similar…
Spotlight on… posters have been designed for general display in and around site welfare facilities. The Scheme has developed a collection of A3 posters from the series of ‘Spotlight on…’ learning toolkits. This resource has proven valuable for display on site and raising awareness amongst the workforce and visitors. To purchase these products, click here. To download a free electronic…
As part of this contractors commitment to utilise zero carbon technologies, A wind turbine has been positioned on the project. The wind turbine is used to charge a battery which then distributes energy powering some of the sites temporary electrics. The plan moving forward on the project is to increase the number of wind turbines onsite to maximise this low…
The embodied carbon for this prohect’s offices was calculated using BS EN 15978:2011 and guidance from RICS ‘Whole life carbon assessment for the built environment’. For the RIBA Stage 4 design, the embodied carbon to practical completion is predicted to be 904 kgCO2e/m2, showing performance to be well within the Greater London Authority benchmark of between 900-1000 kgCO2e/m2 expected for…
As part of this sites drive to reduce carbon in line with their 2030 and 2040 commitments, the site participated in avcarbon reduction group video, discussing previous innovations including Thermal Lightweight Aggregate. This video was originally been made available for internal use but has now been delivered and cascaded to their subcontractors working on the project and the wider contractor’s supply…
On this project the site boundary is the building boundary. To complicate building construction further two elevations, south and west, abut immediately to existing buildings. At a very early stage of the tender the contractor decided to change the designed 10 storey in-situ RC frame to a hybrid concrete frame. By changing all the vertical in-situ RC structural support elements…
This project is a 6-story commercial development Swindon that consists of new office space and surrounding public realm works. As part of the site and office setup, the project team analysed the cost and carbon emissions of traditional items or services and their green alternatives. 12 ‘green’ proposals were evaluated which ranged from procuring renewable sourced energy to retrofitting site…
The contractor developed a methodology to stabilise 6500m3 of wet dredged material (from the sea-bed) on site by utilising a modification of the existing ALLU system, using a site batched cementitious grout to mix with the dredged material to form a homogeneous mix that later cured into a weak concrete. The methodology ensured that this material could stay on site…
This project used heat induction as an alternative to traditional grit blasting to remove existing intumescent paint from the structural steel frame. This method uses heat induction technology, similar to a heat induction hob, to break the chemical bonds between the intumescent paint and the steelwork, allowing it to be manually scraped off with minimal effort. The benefits of this…
Intelligent online tools can allow users to see what CO2, energy, and cost savings can be made by selecting environmentally friendly products. As many industries are now aware, the UK has signed into law, via the climate change act, that the country will be net-zero by 2050. This means that calculating your carbon footprint is a necessary step to understanding…
This contractors environmental policy states their commitment to minimising the impact of their activities on climate change and the communities in which they work. Each division implements ISO 14001 environmental management systems to ensure that they protect the environment; reduce waste and energy consumption; source construction materials responsibly; minimise disturbance; and train their employees and subcontractors on environmental issues and…
To reduce the CO2 emissions of traditional asphalt paving construction this company brought together two suppliers – one with a carbon negative aggregate and one with a cold foamed bitumen asphalt – to generate savings of up to 90% compared with a traditional hot AC20 asphalt mix. The mix was used to construct a new cycle path being built as…
On this project they are building a new offline bypass and are required to continuously monitor the noise of operations across the duration of the scheme, therefore seven Solar Li-ion powered Noise Monitoring stations have been installed during 2021. The monitoring equipment provides real-time data capture and trigger alerts via a customised web platform, enabling the construction team to be…
On this project they received the new Eco Hybrid Lithium welfare cabin with increased lithium battery capacity. These mobile eco welfare units use smart Lithium Hybrid technology for silent green running, as well as a smart water system. The next generation units will also use rainwater harvesting to bolster the smart water system and telemetry to fully enable usage and diagnostics…
This project is the world’s first large scale office building designed and constructed using the ‘kit of parts’ solution built on a P-DfMA structural frame. The platform system, known as P-DfMA (Platform for Design, Manufacture and Assembly), consists of a set of components that can be efficiently combined to produce highly customised structures. The system is based on repeatable processes…
With more visitors and local authority clients coming to this project it is important that they ensure we cater for all with accessible parking, meeting rooms and toilets. Additionally with the increase of electric and hybrid vehicles, they now offer a free ‘top up’ for visitors car while they are at the project.
On this project they have designed and fabricated off site reinforcement sections for the super flat specialised concrete ground floor slabs of a warehouse. This system consists of a prefabricated roll out bottom matt of reinforcement along with prefabricated top matt sections complete with u-bars around the edges and highchairs attached ready to be installed onto the roll out bottom…
On this project they are using an Electric Plasterboard Lift Truck to unload plasterboard. The truck makes the delivery process faster, allowing efficient usage of site delivery area, reduces manual handling as the plasterboard will be unloaded using a truck mounted forklift and placed on the electric lift truck. This is then taken up in the car hoist and finally…
When installing piles, a piling mat needs to be created, which is a temporary working platform designed to provide a reliable and stable surface on which piling rigs and other ground treatment machinery can operate. The traditional method of installing a pile mat is to use a 1m layer of compacted granular material. However, when piling rigs travel along this…
This contractor has made a significant commitment to sustainability by taking the crucial step towards a low-carbon economy and signing up to the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). The business is only the second UK construction company to have targets approved by the SBTi and officially aligned with global demands to tackle climate change. Part of this commitment is to…
This contractor is using the new Liebherr LR1160E Electric crane on their Canterbury Works Vent shaft site. This site requires the utilisation of a crane for a large portion of the works. There are two options for this requirement which are the HSC SCX1500A-3 Diesel Crane and the Liebherr LR1160E Electric Crane. The comparisons between these cranes can be seen…
This project is set to be the UK’s first fossil fuel-free major mixed-use property estate, all eight buildings across the development will be powered by electricity derived from renewable resources, producing zero emissions in operation. Features of the Fossil Fuel-Free Mixed-Use Estate: All buildings across this estate will be electric and use air source heat pumps. The first on this…
To aid in getting the project team back on site safety during the coronavirus restrictions where feasible and allowed, they bought twenty folding bikes for the team to use. This allowed for the team to travel some or all of their journey to and from work by bike and therefore avoiding public transport which was more congested and presented more…
There is some speculation that because plant is electric that it won’t perform as well, so awareness is currently an issue. This contractor couldn’t find clean tech readily in the UK and looked into the European market to find solutions and therefore went to Germany and met with BMS and have since partnered with them and had a number of…
This contractor is trying to create a more environmentally and carbon aware workforce through a number of different schemes. Seminars are a good way to do this however, they have found the best way is through incentives. By incentivising carbon offsetting through their employee of the month programme, they are creating a culture that is more aware of the carbon…
This project achieved carbon neutral status by registering with the ‘One Carbon World’ Scheme, working out its carbon footprint and purchasing carbon credits at a discounted rate. The carbon credits are then used in support of tree planting on a Rainforest Alliance validated sustainable forestry project. One Carbon World is a carbon neutral not-for-profit organisation and a global resource partner…
This contractor has been working in partnership with Queen’s University Belfast to support academic research opportunities associated with the university’s Leadership for Sustainable Development MSc course. The Research and Development Programme has produced a number of diverse research projects surrounding sustainability, which are both utilised by the company and help to fulfil the MSc degree requirements. In 2020, the research…
On this project they have been part of a trial to determine if they can swap to sustainable PPE. Five members of the team have trialled sustainable workwear in efforts to ‘green up’ the supply chain. Items of PPE that have been a part of the trial include soft shell jackets and boots made from recycled plastic bottles, glasses made…
At this contractor, typically the decision to select a waste management company will be determined by which member of the supply chain has put themselves forward to cover a certain postcode area. Whilst location is generally the main factor behind a waste companies decision to provide their service in a select area, many are happy to travel significant distances which…
Whilst delivering a virtual work experience programme with 24 young people, the contractor asked them to calculate their carbon footprint as part of a sustainability exercise in the course. In this task those on work experience calculated their carbon footprint from their daily total food emissions and their carbon footprint to find their total annual carbon footprint. The contractor is…
This fully recyclable office desk helps construction site accommodation to address the landfill impact of temporary offices with a totally recyclable option, making use of recycled materials. The ECO360® desk gives a saving of approximately 38kg CO2e compared to traditional MFC (Melamine-Faced Chipboard) and steel products. The work surface which used to be acrylic plastic based has been replaced with…
To celebrate their EnviroHoard™ system being Net Zero Carbon Verified this company have committed to a tree planting project ‘Let’s Plant A Forest Together’ where for every new follower on the company’s social media page a tree will be planted. Net Zero Carbon, also known as carbon neutrality, requires a detailed carbon footprint assessment, in accordance with international standards. Once…
Earth Friendly Concrete (EFC) is traditional concrete that doesn’t use ordinary Portland cement (OPC). EFC uses a geopolymer binder system made from the chemical activation of two industrial waste byproducts – blast furnace slag and fly ash. This alternative binder can reduce the carbon emissions associated with OPC by up to 90%. The engineering and construction properties of EFC are…
The Net Zero Hackney Challenge was a programme, developed by the project team aiming to educate young people about net zero carbon and provide opportunities to the younger generation to enter the construction industry. This programme contributed to the efforts to improve social mobility in the borough by creating opportunities for further training, placements, work experience and mentoring. The net…
Morgan Sindall as a company and a leader in tackling environmental issues are going to introduce an internal carbon charge. The output of most projects can be calculated with the existing carbon calculator tool, which works out how much is generated throughout a projects lifecycle. Each division will pay a charge per tonne of carbon they generate which will paid…
Steel is the world’s most widely used material – but despite technologies existing for production to be decarbonised, steelmaking is currently one of the biggest emitters of CO2 globally. Organisations that join SteelZero make a public commitment to procure 100% net zero steel by 2050. By harnessing their collective purchasing power and influence, we’re sending a strong demand signal to…
Our works on the Glasgow Airport Investment Area (GAIA) project involved providing protection measures to a series of fragile high voltage (132kv) cables which one of our new roads has to cross. Preliminary proposals for the protection measures involved a series of steel-reinforced concrete beams spanning an array of reinforced concrete piles. This solution was highly carbon-intensive, and the asset…
Sir Robert McAlpine are preempting legislative changes by pledging Net Zero Carbon by 2024. Contributing to this, Battersea Phase 3a has been operating as a Net Zero Carbon site since January 2020. The project Net Zero Carbon strategy covers all operational emissions (gas, fuel and electricity on site) and involves offsetting 115% of our outputs. Our offsetting occurs both locally…
As part of the traffic management system for the construction of a new grade separated junction on the A1 to the west of Grantham, a 50-mph speed limit is in place. This speed limit is enforced using remote speed cameras powered by a combination of solar panels and hydrogen fuel cells. This combination is noiseless in operation and omits no…
Following the results of a recent Non-Road Mobile Machinery audit, Battersea Phase 3a was chosen for inclusion in the Greater London Authority’s new air quality campaign, Cleaner Construction for London. The campaign selected our project as a flagship to help promote exceptional emission standards operating in London to the wider UK, and international construction industry. The purpose of this is…
This portable handheld air quality particle detecting meter is used to monitor particulate matter (PM) concentrations in the air. It also measures air temperature and relative humidity. PM values are colour coded and this visual system makes for easy recognition if PM levels become high. Dust particles that measure at 2.5 and PM10 can settle in our lungs, and the…
The One Planet Living framework aims to conserve the earth’s resources and tackle the emerging climate and ecological crisis. Integrating sustainability into construction projects is key to achieving this. For this reason, One Planet living has been adopted and promoted onsite in Bonham Quay. A number of commitments have been made by the site in the areas of: Health and…
Kier’s St Sidwells Point project has been designed to the Passivhaus standard. This means that once finished, the leisure complex will use significantly less energy for heating and cooling than an average building of similar size and facilities. In order to share industry knowledge, the development team and principal contractor has integrated the design and construction processes within a training…
Typically, mobile welfare facilities on site are powered by diesel generators and generate carbon emissions when in use. The mobile eco welfare cabin used on one of the projects at Ferrovial Agroman’s Heathrow site uses a hybrid diesel and solar system resulting in much lower carbon emissions. Roughly, 88% of the time the welfare cabin is in use, it runs…
Galliford Try have been accredited as a Carbon Literate organisation by the Carbon Literacy Trust. Carbon Literacy is defined as ‘An awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis’. Accreditation was achieved by delivering a training programme to their staff and supply chain…
The Leeds projects have incorporated the latest Nixon Hire solar welfare van. The welfare van is environmentally friendly by offering: Solar Panels Low CO2 Emissions Silent run time Less oil use With such a large fleet of vans available, it made sense for us to investigate how solar power could reduce emission output and increase the efficiency of the vehicle’s…
The project team delivering the fit-out of units at Skypark in Glasgow City Centre, use an Electrical Powered Vehicle for transporting materials, tools and personnel around the site. This is environmentally friendly as it is electric and is charged on site. It is also beneficial for looking after the workforce by transporting their tools to the working area.
This company has a policy to bring environmental/ecological benefit to the area and natural environment whenever appropriate. The Environment Agency have announced that they will be classifying all demolition wood arising from projects as “hazardous waste” with effect from July 2020, unless proven otherwise. The company know this will create a real problem for the demolition and construction industry, so…
Ferrovial Agroman has recently achieved PAS 2080:2016 certification through Heathrow Projects, the world’s first specification for managing whole-life carbon in infrastructure. The infrastructure sector is responsible for a significant amount of carbon emissions annually, with the UK Government setting ambitious reduction targets, it is essential to implement a framework for evaluating and managing carbon across the whole infrastructure value chain….
The City Gate House project team installed a series of water efficiency measures (as part of the temporary services package) to reduce water consumption during construction. This included a time clock control on the mains site water meter, with a solenoid valve switching off the water supply to the entire site during non-working hours. This eliminates the risk of leaks…
On their White City Living project, St James have been using modular micro turbines as a semi-permanent power supply. This power supply emits low levels of NOx emissions and high levels of oxygen (17 -18% oxygen rich). It is compliant with the EU’s Medium Combustion Plant and Non-Road Mobile Machinery Directives which regulate harmful emissions. It also goes beyond compliance…
The HS2 project aims to plant up to seven million trees along their Phase One Route. An issue presented by this aim is the amount of plastic tree guards that will be needed. Fusion have estimated that 39,000 tree guards will be used between October 2019 to March 2020. Due to the amount of plastic that may end up in…
On their White Rose View project, RG Group have been using an electric forklift truck. This is charged via solar panels which are placed on an area of green space within the site. The electric forklift truck has been on site for a number of months now and will remain until the project is complete.
The Urmston Leisure Centre team planted 45 trees with the carbon offsetting initiative Trees for Life. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) recommends 30,000 hectares of woodland should be planted every year in the UK, and this may even need to rise to 50,000 hectares if other carbon reduction targets are not achieved. Planting trees helps to tackle climate change,…
As part of our ISO50001:2018 certified Energy Management System, Roadbridge is rolling out full battery powered electric vehicles (EV) and the supply of smart EV charging points across our larger construction sites and Regional Offices in Ireland. The installed Smart EV charger points (supplied by have the ability to instantly respond and use less power if the grid becomes…
At John Sisk & Son, we use a web based platform called SmartWaste, which enables all of our projects to measure, report and manage waste generated on our construction sites, whether these waste materials are retained, re-used on site, or sent for recycling/ processing. Site Managers and Environmental Managers will understand exactly what waste materials are being generated from project…
P&W have estimated the carbon footprint for the Burnholme Care Home using data from a previous but very similar project to construct a 59 bed care home. Our target was a reduction of the estimated 184 tonnes of CO2 used at our Hedon project. How Welfare units include the following features – push taps, PIR lighting, timed heaters Turn off…
Following on from the Spotlight on… plastics and packaging learning toolkit and given the current climate emergency, along with the m coverage of the climate strikes and Greta Thunberg’s iconic speech at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York last week, BCR decided to look into carbon offsetting through tree planting schemes and we came across Offset Earth. Offset…
All CVB sites and offices have switched to a carbon neutral “Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin” (REGO) backed energy supply. REGO certificates certify that the energy supplied has been produced from 100% renewable sources (wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, etc. and does not include nuclear). Procuring electricity though a REGO certified tariff enables CVB to report zero emissions for Greenhouse Gas…
We have produced a ‘Use of Local Resources’ policy to outline our stance on investing within the local community that we are working in. The policy has been included within our policy handbooks and is displayed on all of our sites. Contributing to the local community will create goodwill and using local suppliers can leave a lasting positive impression. Residents…
For the duration of the project, the site has established a site compound, welfare area and site offices on Endeavour Wharf within the tourist centre of Whitby. The compound’s power supply is a mains connection of approximate 56kVA capacity which provides a stable, reliable supply of energy and has the added benefit of reducing noise and carbon emissions compared to…
At Berkeley West Thames in Southall, we are committed to lowering emissions from our activities on site. As such, we encourage all our trade partners to strive towards our carbon objectives and targets. To this effect, FM Conway have brought to site a solar generator, the Autosmart Solar Pod, to power their welfare cabins. The Solar Pod charges batteries all…
Accurately capturing and recording data on construction sites can be a challenge. Human error, a lack of understanding or misjudgement means certain components are able to slip the net. Combining this with ensuring 100% of materials on site are certified and fully meet project requirements makes this a high-risk variable for any project. A Machine Learning Platform, (QFlow) has been…
Zero carbon satellite welfare cabins are helping to lower the project’s carbon footprint. Instead of the traditional diesel units, solar PV panels on the roof generate sufficient power to charge the batteries and a hydrogen fuel cell provides a backup. This is their first use on a Highways project and the initial trials of two cabins have proved very successful….
The site is using Roadmender pothole repair machinery which eliminates the need to take material to the tip through reusing it. The repair lasts longer so it is more efficient and there is less delay and disruption to the public. A 90% reduction in carbon footprint has been quoted for this method.
When ENGIE was contracted to replace the cladding at Eyot House in Bermondsey, our commitment to be at the forefront of environmentally conscientious construction methods demanded a creative approach to recycling and repurposing the old expanded polystyrene (EPS) removed from the building. The existing EWI system comprised an insulation layer of expanded polystyrene (EPS) board, for which it was important…
Thursday 20th June was Clean Air Day 2019, the UK’s largest campaign against air pollution. Before this on Wednesday 5th June it was World Environment Day, the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment, with this year’s theme focusing on air pollution. Between the two events, the Multiplex Sustainability Team posted 13 Top Tips…
Sites that are not on a mains electricity supply often use individual lighting towers, each powered by a single generator, to provide lighting to site compounds etc. This can result in relatively high fuel use and associated carbon emissions. Volker Fitzpatrick chose instead to install a number of second hand street lighting columns, fitted with LED lights, linked to the…
In order to adequately manage and monitor noise at local sensitive receptors during the build, three noise monitors have been installed to provide real-time data at three locations. A logistical challenge was presented by the remote location required for these monitors to be placed and consequently, lack of power source. However, this was overcome through early engagement with a local…
Ardmore have introduced the use of double-storey height, precast reinforced concrete columns which had the following benefits. Carbon footprint: With the concrete coming in precast, there is a vastly reduced number of vehicles on site, approximately 50%. Community: Now less vehicles are arriving on site, the impact on the community is greatly diminished. The public’s safety is increased with less…
The UK Government is required to achieve an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, however the National Atmospheric Emission Inventory recently highlighted that emissions produced from diesel run vehicles increased by 20% in 2016 compared to 1990 levels. The health impacts associated with diesel engines are now well known and London has introduced low emissions zones and Non-Road…
From October 2013, under the Companies Act 2006 (Strategic and Directors’ Reports) Regulations 2013, quoted companies are required to report their greenhouse gas emissions on an annual basis. A quoted company is a company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange, such as the London Stock Exchange. Other non-quoted companies can also voluntarily report their annual greenhouse gas emissions….
As part of working towards reducing our carbon emissions and becoming carbon positive, we have replaced our standard cherry picker with a NIFTY HR21 HYBRID 4×4 MK2. Niftylift has combined an efficient Tier 4/EU Stage IIIB Diesel engine with a clean and quiet electric power pack to produce the world’s first parallel hybrid power system on a MEWP. The system…
The site had to construct just over 500 metres of diaphragm walling, which was 30 metres deep. Through 3D modelling, the site was able to arrange for prefabricated reinforcement cages to be delivered and placed in single lengths. The particularly innovative aspect was the use of 3D modelling to create formwork for each one of the steel cage panels. The…
Not only has the site switched its default internet search engine to Ecosia on all of its computers, they have also developed this previous innovation further by using it to offset the carbon footprint generated by the measured electricity usage of the temporary site set up. Additionally, this information is displayed on a graphic chart promoting the environmental benefits of…
At 21 Moorfields, we are trying to reduce our carbon footprint and minimise the disturbance to the local community who surround our central London site. Following this aim, we have decided to trial the use of a hydrogenated vegetable oil to fuel two generators on site whilst we transfer the mains power supply from low to high voltage. The ‘Green…
The Wellington Place 7 and 8 project team, led by Dan Miller, has shown great leadership and professionalism by using their sphere of influence to achieve the environmental targets set at the beginning of the project. Highlights Include: 59% reduction in CO2 emissions from the following measures: 100% Renewable energy electricity supply, primary and secondary lighting circuits that reduce unnecessary…
The UK produces 500,000 tonnes of coffee grounds per year. At Marble Arch Place, Multiplex is working with ‘Bio-Bean’ to produce clean fuel from used coffee grounds. The site’s busy office and canteen produces about 30 litres of grounds a week in special collection bins, which are then picked up on a weekly basis. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions by…
There have been a significant number of changes to design that have reduced the amount of steel and concrete used on the Bank Station Capacity Upgrade (BSCU) Project. To identify the benefits in terms of carbon savings, Dragados looked to BIM to help calculate reductions in carbon. Reductions in weight and volumes of steel and concrete were identified using BIM…
According to the London Atmospheric Inventory, construction sites are responsible for approximately 7.5% of nitrogen oxide emissions, 8% of large particle emissions and 14.5% of fine particle emissions. The majority of these emissions derive from machinery, vehicles and construction transport, all of which are a significant contributor to air pollution. Considering how the construction industry is reliant on machinery and…
The Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy, published in 2018, sets out a vision for a healthier, greener and more prosperous city. The strategy makes clear that a new type of thinking is required to increase active, efficient and sustainable travel to help achieve this vision for London. The Mayor, through TfL, will work with the boroughs, businesses and the freight…
The site has been trialling a new sustainable toilet, which has a sink built in above the cistern at the back of the toilet. The water used from washing hands in the basin fills the cistern to flush the toilet. This toilet is space saving, eco-friendly, encourages hygiene and works out to be cheaper as no extra sinks are required…
At Mace’s GPE Hanover Square Project, J Coffey Construction Ltd used a ‘Brokk 260’ remote controlled electric powered breaker to substitute a more traditional diesel powered breaker, used for breaking out concrete. Sustainability benefits include: Reduced carbon emissions – as electricity at Hanover Square is sourced from a 100% renewable supplier (Ecotricity), electrical breakers have zero carbon emissions. Reduced pollution…
Day-to-day, we all have an influence on the environment we live in. Our ‘Environmental Fact Wheel’ offers interesting facts about the little things we do every day which can have an effect on the environment. We have divided the facts into five main target areas: Resources, Water, Waste, Carbon and People. Examples include: Recycling only one aluminium can saves enough…
The team at Greenwich Peninsula Upper Riverside had a successful shipment of 28 pre-fabricated raised running track elements to Green Peninsula from Venice, Italy. Each element had to be transported from a barge to a local allocated storage area then eventually on to site from the storage area for installation along public highways. Transporting via seas avoided the need for…
The construction of new passenger tunnels between existing platforms at Kennington Station had to be completed within a 16-week window and works were required 24/7. There was insufficient power supply available from the station and therefore a large external diesel generator was required. The generator had to be located very near to residential properties and there was concern over the…
The Solatainer is a new innovative power source for site compounds. The unit combines solar, generator, battery and for the first time in the UK, wind to provide renewable energy for running the site. During its first month on site, we have observed a 27% reduction in the total cost and over a 87% reduction in carbon dioxide production when…
Offsite fabrication of building services has been utilised across the construction industry for many years. As Building Information Modelling (BIM) has grown, buildings have become more complex which has created several benefits, as well as challenges in construction. The AstraZeneca New Cambridge site project has extended the building services module construction approach to include the raised access floor area of…
Used cooking oil from the site canteen is collected by a specialist company who then transform it into biodiesel. This is used for powering diesel vehicles and also for heating. Any packaging related to the cooking oil is also recycled. The collection is free of charge and the company delivers fresh cooking oil at the same time as making the…
Environmental awareness and carbon reduction is increasingly important when tendering for projects. Contractors must demonstrate a commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. See the examples below for how Laing O’Rourke won National Grid’s first contract with carbon weighting: The contractor implemented a number of modifications to the build design to reduce material use and ensure carbon reduction. At the tender…
It is important to recognise that a site’s environmental impact goes well beyond the site boundary. A significant environmental impact of construction is in the production of the materials used, but it is also important to consider the impact of their transportation at both a local and wider level. Although concrete batching plants are often in reasonably close proximity to…
There are many different drivers to reducing and eliminating waste on construction projects. A simple way of reducing waste where possible, and significantly reducing the numbers of vehicles coming to and from site from waste removal is a compactor or baler. Cardboard and plastic waste being baled not only saves space on site, but reduces costs in skips and decreases…
Tunnelling works such as those involved in the London Underground extension can pose a number of logistical concerns and safety risks. See the examples below for how one site addressed this: Used Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) in concrete invert reinforcement bases at the step plate junction. GFRP reinforcement is 75% lighter than traditional steel reinforcement. The weight reduction reduced…
When we know what our carbon footprint is then we can act. GRAHAM Construction and Low Level Waste Repository Ltd therefore calculated the carbon footprint of their Engineering, Design and Construction Framework (EDCF). It is important to the framework that once the footprint was calculated that it was displayed in a manner which was easily understandable and relevant to all…
By returning HDPE membrane off-cuts from site to Newton headquarters in Tonbridge via backloads, the material is then initially processed in-house. Working closely with the UK’s largest non-profit recycling organisation RECOUP in order to set up the necessary relationships with both a plastics reprocessor and an end-manufacturer who will use the recycled material. Newton is the first waterproofing materials supplier…
Climate change is an issue which affects us all, and construction sites must be mindful of their contribution to this process. Specifically, sites should monitor their carbon emissions and make efforts to reduce and offset these emissions where possible. See the examples below for how one site addressed this issue: Implemented a carbon sequestration initiative, which refers to carbon capture…
Costain Skanska Joint Venture (CSJV) have an extremely detailed carbon model which is updated monthly to reflect fuel usage, electricity consumption and vehicle movement to and from site. However, where CSJV have gone over and above other site is our reporting of scope 3, i.e. embodied carbon and indirect transport. CSJV have expanded the carbon reporting model to include an…
Using modern and innovative equipment can improve sustainable procurement. It is therefore important to be aware what alternative working methods of equipment could be most effectively used for the job. This doesn’t just mean productivity, but also other benefits such as environmental impact, health, safety and cost saving. The example below shows how one site achieved this: The contractor has…
Construction, housing and property group Willmott Dixon uses a lot of fuel in the course of its business. Newer plant, hybrid generators, low emission company cars and energy efficient cabins are some of the ways in which Willmott Dixon is working towards its target of halving emissions intensity by 2020 (compared with 2010). Since 2012, the company has offset its…
The new build University Technical College (UTC) in Warrington will comprise a series of engineering and specialists workshops, a lecture theatre, science laboratories and general teaching spaces for up to 620 students and staff. The construction project is being powered via photovoltaic (PV) panels installed on the roof of the adjacent building – The Base – previously constructed by the…
A dedicated recycling area is in place at the head office to support construction sites in segregating waste. Caged tippers transport waste from sites to the area where it is being sorted into more than twenty different waste streams. The information on tonnages is then provided to the sites on a monthly basis and displayed accordingly to further encourage re-use…
Mace’s project are using an engaging and simple to use online energy monitoring system to better manage site energy and water consumption, and contribute to reducing carbon emissions. Sub-meters have been installed across the site to improve awareness of the site equipment and zones, such as tower cranes, lighting zones and office accommodation. The system has already enabled one project…
Carbon emissions should be monitored and reduced to help minimise pollution and protect the environment. Carbon offsetting is the reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gasses made in order to compensate for or to offset an emission made elsewhere. Many construction companies have carbon offset their works with projects overseas which will save carbon emissions equivalent to those that they emit. Willmott…
During the month of May the Bermondsey Survey team took delivery of a Renault Kangoo Electric Van. The van, which charges off a standard plug socket, has been a great tool in helping to reduce the team’s emissions and costs, as well as offering a greener mode of transport for all of the other travelling team members. The financial benefit against…
Be inspired by those across our industry who share their story and offer advice on carbon reduction in construction.
The following law and legislation is relevant to helping address the issue of reducing carbon emissions.
Government initiatives
Carbon reduction is a huge issue in the construction industry today. There are numerous organisations and initiatives committed to combatting this issue in the construction industry.
Published 17 May 2024
Spotlight on… illegal workers aims to increase understanding of the risk posed by illegal construction workers, and identify what can be done to tackle the problem...Published 25 May 2023
Spotlight on… carbon reduction asks what net zero means for the industry and outlines easy and practical guidance to support your decarbonisation journey.Published 10 November 2022
Spotlight on… mental health asks why this silent epidemic casts a dark shadow over the construction workforce, what’s being done to address the crisis and practical steps to support mental wellbeing in the workplace.Published 21 September 2022
Spotlight on… women in construction aims to understand why the gender gap continues to dominate the headlines and suggests steps to tackle the issue...Published 8 June 2021
Spotlight on… equality, diversity and inclusion provides information and resources to highlight the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce and the benefits to employers, individuals and the wider community.Published 2 September 2019
Spotlight on… worker fatigue aims to raise awareness of the health and safety risks associated with fatigue and provides the industry with guidance for addressing this issue…Published 22 June 2016
Spotlight on… drugs and alcohol aims to raise awareness of the health and safety risks associated with the topic and how it impacts the construction industry...Published 8 September 2015
Spotlight on… occupational cancers aims to raise awareness of the health risks involved in construction work, specifically those relating to occupational cancers within the sector...Published 1 July 2013
Spotlight on… cycle safety aims to raise awareness of cycle safety and reduce accidents between cyclists and construction traffic...